Skull Lamp
You want a creepy lamp to light up your halloween nights? This is your project!
You will need!:
- No baking clay.
- A clean pot.
- Red candles.
- Molding tools.
- Water.
- Fake nails and scissors.
- Black eye shadow and a make up brush. (Optional.)
Let´s Begin!
- Cut the clay in strips.
- Apply the stips on the pot and go tapping and pressing until it´s all covered.
- Wet your fingers with water an smooth the surface.
Create the Holes
- With a toothpick trace the main lines of the skull desing.
- Remove the clay from the eyes, the nose and the mouth.
Sculpting Time!
- Mold the clay in little tubes with your hands.
- Place them around the eyes and the nose.
- Create 2 little balls.
- Place them next to the nose.
- Add a tube of clay down the eyes.
- And one big tube under the nose.
Prepare and Add the Tooth.
- Take the nails.
- Cut them in the right shape.
- Place them on the mouth.
- Smooth the surface with the sculpting tool.
- Let it dry at least 24 hours.
When the clay is dry, it will be cracked, witch is perfect for halloween!
Let´s Decorate!
- With the black eye shadow, paint around the eyes, the nose and down the bones.
- Take a candle and let the hot wax fall over the top of the pot.
PD: The nice thing of adding wax its that it will be moving and falling if you put a candle inside.