Small Gaming PC Desk
I bought a small gaming chair from Wal-Mart and decided to build a small desk for it.
Scheching the Desk and Materials
The desk is pretty much a box with the following dimensions;
29.75 x 19.75 x 4.5 inches
To make this light I used;
1/2 in panel
3 in x 1/2 in pine board
the legs, I use the legs from an old table that I disassembled. I cut the legs to 12 in.
For the corners I use a piece of maple board that I had and cut it to 4.25 x 4.25
Building the Compartment
First I attached the outside walls to the bottom panel with screws and all the walls to each other with glue and pin nails but did not glue the walls to the bottom panel.
The Legs
I used the legs from an old table that I disassembled.
Cut the legs to 12 in.
To hold the legs strong I attached a piece of oak board of 3.5 x 3.5 x .75
Assembling the Desk
Glued a 1/4 in foam and microfiber fabric to the bottom panel.
Attached the walls with screws.
Covered the rest of the box with microfiber fabric.
Finally added little wheels to the legs.
The TV or Monitor
For this desk I'm using a Visio 24 in smart TV with wireless capability.
I removed the original base of the TV and replaced it with a piece of maple and a hinge so I can fold it down.
The Desk
The desk has a compartment for the Key board, mouse, Head set and cables.
Even if the TV is in an up or down position, the table lid still can be opened.