Smart Distance Measuring Tape V1
by ThisIsSteve in Circuits > Arduino
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Smart Distance Measuring Tape V1
After a month of exams, I finally decided to come up with a new project. I found old circuits which were not yet built.And decided to start the build, well my project is quite simple. I built this up last weekend morning with a cup of tea in my hand and some simple tools.
What does this thing do?
Well its quite simple it is just an replacement for an distance tape. It can also measure temperature, this was an upgrade to the old circuit. The measured distance is displayed on the LCD screen. And this circuit is powered with a 9V battery.
Why make this?
Well i need to do something this weekend.......
And i wanted to ne a part of makerlympics2014.
Ok enough of the talking and lets start building.
1x Arduino Uno R3 (or similar board)
1x ultrasonic ranging module (HC-SR04)
1x Temperature sensor (lm35)
1x 16x2 LCD Display
1x 9V battery
1x pcb
1x 10k pot
Soldering iron.
If you have got all of the above parts find a comfortable table and chair and maybe some good background music and your ready to start building.
Here I used a black box I found in my house. On the lid of the box draw an outline of the LCD (mine was 17x2.4 cm),
use a pair of scissors to cut through the box. Check if the LCD fits in, if it does you are good to go to the next step.
Extra Information
If your looking as to where to find the LCD then look for it on Ebay as there is a lot of 16x2 LCDs available over there.
I have not given the LCD any backlight because I did not feel it was necessary, if you feel that it is too dark try connecting the back light terminal to arduino 5V.
Ultrasonic Sensor
Connect the module-
SR04 VCC pin to the Arduino 5v
SR04 GND pin to the Arduino GND
SR04 TRG pin to the Arduino Digital pin 12
SR04 ECHO pin to the Arduino Digital pin 11
Draw the outline of the module and cut through the box with a pair of scissors. Try inserting the module and you can move to the next step.
If it does not show up try checking the previous steps or leave a comment below if you need my help.