Smart Fingers Using Cayenne

by D art of science in Circuits > Arduino

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Smart Fingers Using Cayenne


What if you constantly forget to shut the water pump, or want to switch on an AC in your house 15mins before you get there ? or want to feed your dog in the evening as you want to party till late night.??

All answers in one product...

Smart Fingers...a simple physical output to an electronic device that can do many things. The smart finger is controlled by a switch button on the cayenne app ("best IOT app").
1.Things we did with the Smart fingers Switch off any plug so anything electrical/electronic device becomes "on/off smart" (Shown in the video)

2.Feed your dog in the evening as you want to party till late night (Shown in the video)

3.Unlock a door and then lock it remotely (final video with these following extra items not done as yet)

4.Water the plants by remotely (or scheduled) constricting or releasing the water flow

5.Scare burglars by remotely setting off a chain reaction in your house when your'e away and youre notified by a burglar alarm

6.Remote "jack in the box"

7.Alarm clock assist with water release/tip over sure many more can be thought off, and yet keep to the non violent side of things..:)




wemos d1

servo motor

7805 voltage regulator

two metal rods.


Cayenne app on smartphone.

arduino ide

Circuit Diagram

circuit daigram.png

the gpio 4 pin of wemos d1 module is connected to control pin of the sero motor.

Connect Wemos to Cayenne and Upload Sketch to Arduino Ide


connect the wemos to the cayenne and it will receive a authentication code.

add the authentication code, wifi ssid name and password into the arduino code and upload the code.

once the code is uploaded, the cayenne dashboard will be seen .

add a custom widget slider with servo virtual pin 1 and servo digital pin 4. set slider minimum to 0 and maximum position to 0.

add a generic output actuator with virtual pin 0.

Add Slider and Button in Cayenne Dashboard


add a custom widget slider with servo virtual pin 1 and servo digital pin 4. set slider minimum to 0 and maximum position to 0.

add a generic output actuator with virtual pin 0.



two triggers are set:

1) when the switch button is pressed on, the slider moves by 6 degree.

2)when the switch button is pressed off, the slider moves back to 0 degree.



on of great feature of cayenne is that you can schedule a event for a whole month.

so i used this to switch on and off my smart fingers.


Switch on-off your devices from anywhere in the world using Smart Fingers - IoT - dartofscience