Smart TV System
Children have a tendency to go closer towards a television while watching their favourite programs. This could adversely affect their eyesight. This project demonstrates a modular approach to make any TV smart. The system is equipped with an ultrasonic sensor to measure the proximity of a person. In case a person comes too close to the television, the system turns off the television. This project also turns off the television when there is no motion detected in front of the television. All these safety features can be turned on or off from a mobile phone.
Note: An LED is used in this project to represent the television.
Components Required
- Intel Galileo x 1
- Power cable x 1
- USB Cable x 1
- Ultrasonic Sensor(HC-SR04) x 1
- Small breadboard x 1
- PIR Sensor (passive infrared sensor) x 1
- LED (Light Emitting Diode) x 1
- Bluetooth Module(HC-05) x 1
- Male to female connecting wires x 20
- Male to Male connecting wires x 20
Interfacing Ultrasonic Sensor With Intel Galileo
Ultrasonic Sensor:
An Ultrasonic sensor is a device that can measure the distance to an object by using sound waves. It measures distance by sending out a sound wave at a specific frequency and listening for that sound wave to bounce back. By recording the elapsed time between the sound wave being generated and the sound wave bouncing back, it is possible to calculate the distance between the sonar sensor and the object.
Pin Configuration:
- VCC: 5V DC Power supply
- Trig: trigger signal for starting the transmission with 10µs high time
- Echo: output
- GND: ground
Calculating the distance of an object from the Ultrasonic Sensor
Since it is known that sound travels through air at about 344m/s (1129 ft/s), you can take the time for the sound wave to return and multiply it by 344 meters (or 1129 feet) to find the total round-trip distance of the sound wave. Round-trip means that the sound wave travelled 2 times the distance to the object before it was detected by the sensor; it includes the 'trip' from the ultrasonic sensor to the object and the 'trip' from the object to the Ultrasonic sensor (after the sound wave bounced off the object). To find the distance to the object, simply divide the round-trip distance in half.
Circuit Connections:
- Connect the ultrasonic sensor Trig pin to the digital pin 2 on the Galileo using male to female connecting wire.
- Connect the ultrasonic sensor Echo pin to the digital pin 3 on the Galileo using male to female connecting wire.
- Take a male to male wire, connect 1 terminal to the 5V pin of the Galileo and the other terminal of the wire to the breadboard.
- Take 1 male to female wire, connect the female terminal on the +5V pin of the ultrasonic sensor and the male terminal of the wire to the breadboard where 5V of Galileo is connected.
- Take a male to male wire, connect 1 terminal to the GND pin on the Galileo and the other terminal of the wire to the breadboard.
- Take 1 male to female wire, connect the female terminal on the GND of the ultrasonic sensor and the male terminal of the wire to the breadboard where GND pin of Galileo is connected.
Interfacing PIR Sensor With Intel Galileo
PIR Sensor:
A passive infrared sensor (PIR sensor) is an electronic sensor that measures infrared (IR) light radiating from objects in its field of view. They are most often used for motion detection.
Working of the Pins:
Time Delay Adjust: Sets how long the output remains high after detecting motion.It can be adjusted from 5 seconds to 5 minutes.
Sensitivity Adjust:Sets the detection range.(3 meters to 7 meters)
Trigger Selection Jumper: Set for single or repeatable triggers.
Ground pin: Ground input
Output Pin: Low when no motion is detected. High when motion is detected. High is 3.3V
Power Pin: 5 to 20 VDC Supply input.
Circuit Connections:
- Connect the PIR sensor Signal pin to the digital pin 4 on the Galileo using male to female connecting wire.
- Take a male to female wire, connect 1 terminal where 5v pin of the Galileo is connected on the breadboard and the other terminal of the wire to the VCC pin of PIR Sensor.
- Take a male to female wire, connect 1 terminal where GND pin of the Galileo is connected on the breadboard and the other terminal of the wire to the GND pin of PIR Sensor.
Interfacing LED With Intel Galileo
LED is Light emitting diode. The main function of diode is that it allows the current to flow in one direction only.
The LED has two terminals:
Positive Terminal: The longer leg of the LED is positive
Negative Terminal: The shorter leg of the LED is negative
Circuit Connections:
- Take one Male to female connecting wire and connect one end of the wire to the Positive terminal of the LED.
- Connect the other terminal of the Male to female connecting wire to the Digital Pin 13 of the Galileo.
- Take one Male to female connecting wire and connect one end of the wire to the negative terminal of the LED and the other terminal of the same wire anywhere on the breadboard.
- Place one 470Ω resistor on breadboard and connect its one terminal to the negative terminal of the LED wire which is on the breadboard as shown above.
- Take one Male to Male connecting wire and connect one end of the wire to the GND Pin on the Galileo.
- Connect the other terminal of the wire to the other terminal of the resistor.
Interfacing Bluetooth Module With Intel Galileo
HC-05 Bluetooth module
It is a wireless communication module that transmits data serially. Out of the six pins that comes with general break out board, only 4 pins are used. VCC pin of HC-05 is connected to +5V while GND pin is connected to GND of the microcontroller. RX pin refers to receiver and TX pin refers to transmitter. These pins are used for communication between the bluetooth and the microcontroller.
Note: HC-06 Bluetooth modules can also be used for this project instead of HC-05.
Lets make our TV more advance by connecting Bluetooth to it,so that we can control it from distance also.
Circuit Connections:
- Connect the Female end of all the Male to Female wire to the VCC, GND, RX and TX pins of the HC-05.
- Connect the GND of HC-05 on the breadboard where the GND of Galileo is connected.
- Connect the VCC of HC-05 on the breadboard where the +5v of Galileo is connected.
- Connect the RX of the HC-05 to Digital Pin 1 of Galileo Board.
- Connect the TX of the HC-05 to Digital Pin 0 of Galileo Board.