Smarter Home (advanced Intel Edison DIY Instructable)
by charles-cai in Circuits > Sensors
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Smarter Home (advanced Intel Edison DIY Instructable)
Smarter Home
An intelligent PA @Home for busy professionals - for fun, healthy lifestyle and sustainability!
- started at Intel IoT Roadshow London Hackathon on 13th-14th June 2015:
- enriched further at Unilever #ReHack eCommerce Hackathon 2015:
Describe the unique and innovative attributes of your Project:
- automatically help / manage professionals' life / entertainment at home
- Mood detection using Bio-sensors (using environmental sensors and bio sensors)
- Context (mood, time of the day, day of the week, weather) aware background music / Internet Radio playback via Bluetooth speakers
- Single rotational safety camera for outdoor (strangers tagging) and indoor (Pets)
- Genfencing early traffic warning before leaving the door (close to the door) - rerouting using National Rail Enquiry API and TFL API.
- Auto-watering system for indoor plants.
What is the target audience and available market for your Project?
- Busy Professionals
How does your Project technically work?
- Edison Bluetooth: Speakers
- Edison BLE: sensors - TI Sensor Tags, iBeacon, Fitbit
- Edison breakout board USB: WebCam
- Edison Wi-Fi: Internet
- Edison GPIO: sensors, LCD, Servo (for safety camera)
How does your Project take advantage of Cloud connectivity?
- Yes - Intel IoT Analytics
Sensor utilization?
- Temperature
- Humidity / Moisture
- Sound / Noise
- Ambient Light
- PiR
How does your Project make use of Software components?
- Intel XDK Edition
- Node.js
- OpenCV
Hardware components?
- GPIO - Analog, Digital, I2C
- Bluetooth - Speakers
- USB - WebCam
Presentation Slides
- Attached:
Step 0: Objectives (achieved and Planned)
Smarter Home - for fun, lifestyle and sustainability
Hardware setup, including GPIO sensors, peripheral devices to be connected:
- Intel
- Edison Arduino Breakout Board
- Edison of course
- SeeedStudio Grove Sensors:
- Temperature
- Sound
- Ambient Light
- Touch
- Buzzer
- Button
- Microsoft
- USB HD WebCam
Wireless connections we will be using:
- Bluetooth - Speaker
- Bluetooth Low Energy - TI SensorTag 2.0
- Wi-Fi - Internet
- Recycled Acrylic sheet - 100mm x 150mm case - tape stitched for now
Major Features (implemented):
- Real-time Environmental sensors - GPIO: Digital / Analog - upload to Intel IoT Analytics
- Real-time Bio-sensors - via BLE - upload to Intel IoT Analytics
- Internet Radio - via Lame + PulseAudio + Icy streaming client - Bluetooth Speaker
- MP3 Player - via Lame + PulseAudio - Bluetooth Speaker
- Security camera - via USB WebCam
- Barcode scanner - via USB WebCam, using ffmpeg + HP IDOL OnDemand
More Features (Work in Progress):
- Laser cut Acrylic transparent case
- 4-Touch Button menu system - Up, Down, Back, OK
- Rotating Security WebCam - done - via Grove Servo (done)
- 0.96 OLED display
- Internet clock
- TFL/National Rail Enquiries - Traffic Disruption early-warning alarm
- OpenCV - face recognition
- OpenCV - real-time barcode, with Ultrasound distance + IR interruptor based intelligent barcode scanner
- Rechargeable battery - 9V
- 2x10-band LED - sound
- Mood detecting environmental / background music player
- Modular hardware design - "hardware blocks" - e.g. Littlebits
- Modular software design - e.g. Node - Red
- Open Source Software + Open Source Hardware
Step 1: MP3 Player / Internet Radio
- Make sure Bluetooth stack is enabled;
- Makre sure you Bluetooth is paired and connected;
- Make sure your PulseAudio is working and can play back to Bluetooth speaker
# enable bluetooth stack rfkill unblock bluetooth # pair your bluetooth speaker bluetoothctl [bluetooth]scan on [bluetooth]trust XX:YY:ZZ:WW [bluetooth]pair XX:YY:ZZ:WW [bluetooth]connect XX:YY:ZZ:WW [bluetooth]exit cat XXXX.wav | pacat # compile LAME # compile Icy/Icecast # Pipe mp3 file or Internet Radio (mp3) stream via Icy to extract metadata # Pipe metadata stripped mp3 stream via Lame to pacat # Enjoy your Internet Radio / MP3 Player :)
Step 2: Software Based Barcode Reader Using WebCam
- Make sure your webcam is supported by Linux UVC driver, and is working with Edison - don't forget to move the switch button towards full size USB socket on Intel Edison Arduino Breakout Board
- Compile ffmpeg on Edison - it takes 1.5 hours or more! Check if opkg has ffmpeg already installed.
- Use ffmpeg to capture still image from WebCam
- Open an account on HP IDOL OnDemand web site - free layer enjoys 5000 requests a day Barcode requests
- Now you have a software based Barcode Reader!