Sock Puppet
I love puppets. This is a super easy way to bring your characters to life! Enjoy!
Tube Sock
Template for mouth
Cardboard Card stock or felt
Scissors or Exacto Knife
Fabric Glue or Glue Gun
Cotton Balls, Ping Pong Balls or other light Spheres for eyes
Googly Eyes or Marker for the iris
Making the Mouth
Using the template
Draw one larger oval onto the cardboard
Draw one smaller oval onto the card stock or felt
Cut these shapes out
Prepping the Sock
Cut the sock about 2 inches with it folded on its side
Score the cardboard on one side down the center
Putting the Mouth on the Sock
Open up the hole you just made in the sock.
And put the cardboard in as shown.
Roll the sides over the glued areas to tack it onto the edges of the cardboard mouth.
Repeat for the card stock which goes directly on top of the cardboard and hides the sock edges.
Put your hand in the sock to try it out by folding the top over the bottom.
Eyes to See
Using a glue gun, place the eyes where you would like them and glue them on
(I suggest not doing this with your hand in if you are using a hot glue gun!)
Either draw the iris onto the eyes with a black sharpie or glue Googly Eyes which you can buy at a craft store.