Sock Sloth
Everyone knows the classic sock monkey. They've been around for decades, and just like these ones by craftknowitall, they are very, very cute. The pattern to make a sock monkey is very simple, but the product is something that has been done so many times before - so I decided to make a remix!
Inspired by craftknowitall's methods, I converted this monkey design into another tree-dwelling friend - a sloth! He's super cute, and would love to come and hang out with you - though he doesn't go anywhere very fast.
If you like this project, don't forget to vote for it in the Remix contest!
All instructions and visuals are featured in the video tutorial, but I've added the text instructions here, too. :)
Pin Your Sock
Turn your sock inside out. Pin the leg area of your sock flat, with a row of pins down the centre.
Sew the Back Legs
Sew from the heel of the sock up, foot-width from the row of pins. Round the end just before the end of the sock. Repeat on the opposite side.
Cut the Legs Apart
Cut down the centre of these strips, separating them, and cut off the end area of the sock. Turn the sock right-side out from the small hole between the legs.
Cut a Felt Face
Cut out a piece of felt for the face. Add two holes for safety eyes.
Add Eye Patches
Add brown patches around the eye area.
Add Nose and Mouth
Add a nose from felt and stitch on the mouth.
Attach Face
Stitch face onto toe of sock.
Add Eyes
Add the safety eyes.
Stuff Sock
Stuff the sock with stuffing of your choice and then stitch the stuffing opening closed.
Sew Front Legs
Repeat steps 1 - 3 on the other sock, cutting the sock off at the heel and turning and stuffing each limb separately.
Attach Arms to Body
Sew the arms onto the sloth's body.
Add Velcro
Add patches of velcro to each of the sloth's paws.
Add Claws
Add claws to each of the sloth's paws.