Soda Can Tab Bracelet
In this instructable, I will teach you how to make a bracelet out of soda can tabs!
Gather Your Materials
You will need:
20 or more soda can tabs
A ruler
2 and a half feet of stretchy string, cord, or ribbon
Cut the Cord
Take your ruler and scissors to measure 2 and a half feet of the stretchy cord.
Begin Making the Bracelet
Put one end of the cord through the top hole of the tab and the other end through the bottom hole. This first soda can tab should be at the very center of the cord.
2nd Soda Can Tab
Get another tab and put it under the first tab but on top of the cord. Place the tab so the sharp sides of both tabs are facing each other. Half of the tab should be under the first one and half of it should be uncovered. Pull the top of the cord through the top holes of the tabs and pull the bottom of the cord through the bottom holes of the tabs.
3rd Soda Can Tab
Get another tab and put it on top of the 2nd tab but under the cord. Put the top of the cord through the bottom holes of the tabs and put the bottom of the cord through the top holes of the tabs. The cord will form an "x" over the top two tabs.
Continue the Pattern
Place another tab under the last one and repeat steps 4 and 5.
Keep Going
Repeat steps 4 and 5 until the bracelet is long enough to easily wrap around your wrist. The last tab should be facing the opposite direction as the very first tab.
Finishing Up
Bring the ends of the bracelet together and make a last "x" with the cord.
Tie the Knot
Flip the bracelet inside out. Put the ends of the cord under the part of the cord from the beginning of the bracelet. Tie some strong knots to finish the bracelet.
Cut the Ends
Use your scissors to cut off the extra cord after making the knots.
You're Done!
Flip the bracelet inside out again and wear it!