Solid Perfume Locket
When you think of perfume, you imagine a liquid in a spraybottle. In this instructable, I will teach you how to make solid perfume. You can wear it on a necklace or a keychain.
Gather Materials
You will need:
A crayon (this is a great opportunity to get rid of the rarely used white crayons)
Scented essential oil
A container for the solid perfume (I used a locket)
A mini hot glue gun or flame to melt the crayon
Remove Crayon Wrapper
Peel the paper off the crayon.
Plug in your mini glue gun
use a flame from a lighter/match/stove
Melt Crayon
Insert the crayon into the hot glue gun to melt the wax
hold the crayon over a flame to melt the wax
Insert Wax
Put the melted wax into your container.
Add Scent
Before the wax hardens, add a few drops of scented essential oil.
Stay Safe!
Don't forget to unplug the hot glue gun
put out the flame
Harden Wax
Let the wax cool and harden. Now you have solid perfume!