Spirograph on Scratch
Today, you will be making a spirograph on the block-based coding site Scratch.
Scratch with the pen extension
Open the Scratch interface, either offline or online. I did this project offline.
If you are creating this online, use this link and make sure to sign in to keep your work. https://scratch.mit.edu/
If you do not wish to use the Internet, make sure you have downloaded and installed Scratch Desktop.
Add a sprite. I used a ball.
Create the following variables:
Rate of change (moving) // how much x changes every time the cat moves
Define a block called setup
erase all
pen up
go to center // x = 0, y = 0
pen down
set pen color red // Color = 0, Brightness = 100, Saturation = 0
set (variable) x to Rate of change (moving)
Define a block called draw (steps) (degrees) (rate of change)
Draw (steps) (degrees) (rate of change)
move (steps) steps
turn right (degrees) degrees
change (variable) x by (rate of change) // the my block variable
change pen color by 1
Create the following code
When green flag clicked
draw [variable (x)] degrees rate of change (moving)
When I receive (message) draw // create new message
draw [variable (x)] degrees rate of change (moving)
When I receive (message) clicked & responded // create new message
stop other scripts in sprite
broadcast (message) draw
In the other sprite (in this case the ball), create and define the following blocks:
ask (New rate of change) // the question in parenthesis so it is not confusing // and wait
set (variable) rate of change (moving) to answer
ask (New degrees) and wait
broadcast (message) clicked and responded
set (variable) degrees to answer
erase all
go to x; 173 y; 142 // not necessary*
Create the following code:
When green flag clicked
go to x; 173 y; 142 // *reason why not necessary
clear // my block
wait 0.1 seconds
next costume // not necessary
When this sprite clicked
clicked // my block
clear // my block
Time to Test!
Steps 9-11 will be the testing phase.
But a reminder: I suggest using Turbo Mode because I tested it regularly and it took FOREVER! But in Turbo Mode it took less than 10 seconds!
Setting With the Ball
I set the rate of change to 0.1, and the degrees to 35.
The Result
And a reminder: it took less than 10 seconds because I used Turbo Mode.
P.S: This isn't a perfect spirograth. When the "drawing" sprite (in this case the cat) eventually touches three (or 4) borders in a row, then it starts messing up. The right border will most likely be the third border touched by the "drawing" sprite.