Starting a Bonsai Tree
There is an old Chinese saying which goes like this: “If you want to be happy for a day, buy a bottle of wine. If you want to be happy for a week, find yourself a wife. If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, start a vegetable garden”. Or in our case, lets plant Bonsai trees.
I am only going to show you how to start with the process of planting a bonsai. If you want to know more about nurturing it, visit (
Getting Materials
What you will need:
1. Water spray can
2. Cutting knife
3. Potting soil
4. Growth hormones
5. Tree brunches (2 year)
6. Pot
Water the Soil
A Bonsai tree growths the best when its soil is constantly wet
Dip in Grow Hormones
Cut some of the bark off. Dip it in the grow hormones. This will help the brunch roots to grow faster in the soil.
Plant It in the Soil
Now it is time to put it in the soil. Make sure the soil is wet enough. Use your green fingers and make the soil nice and compact around the brunch.
Avoid direct sun light. Make sure you water it every morning and evening.
Prepare yourself to be patient, its going to take a while