Becoming an E-NABLE Maker
This Instructable is referenced in both and the new home of e-NABLE,
All the content of this Instructable is now better presented on a page within the new Hub. While I suggest you also look at the main Hub page referenced above, the section of the Hub that replaces all the content of this Instructable can be found at:
What You Will Need
In this Instructable we will be building the Unlimbited Phoenix Hand, to use as the test hand for validation by e-NABLE. This is the device suggested by e-NABLE as the first build.
You will need:
· A 3D printer, or access to one. It needs to have a print bed at least 6" by 6" to fit the largest part
· PLA filament that will work with your printer. Choose your colors to suit yourself.
· An assembly materials kit.
Choose the one for the Phoenix Hand:
If the assembly kit is too expensive for your needs right now, everything within the assembly kit can be purchased at a craft store and hardware store. I could list them all here, but has a great list. Start there to find what you need. What's missing from that list for your build of the Phoenix hand is rubber bands. You will need about a dozen very small rubber bands. Depending on the size of the hand, you may need to find orthodontic retainer rubber bands. Otherwise check at a craft store or office supply store.
Introduce Yourself to the E-NABLE Community!
If you want to be an e-NABLE Maker, you should become part of the e-NABLE community.
The e-NABLE community is really just defined as all the members of the e-NABLE forum on Wikifactory.
You will need to have a WikiFactory account to apply to the e-NABLE community.
- Go to WikiFactory at
- Sign In/Sign Up button at the top.
- Create your own user id and password
- Find the Category named "Introductions".
- Write a post to the community telling who you are, where you are from, and your plans for working with e-NABLE.
You should also spend some time learning about WikiFactory and how we came about using it as our main community communication tool. You can find a good description, and other useful information about e-NABLE here.
And it explains how you'll need to read and agree to the e-NABLE Code of Conduct in order to be approved as an official member of the e-NABLE forum.
Building Your Phoenix Hand for Validation
The most highly recommended hand to build as a test hand is the Unlimbited Phoenix Hand (, so we will stick with that hand for this Instructable.
A big advantage of using this device as your starting point is that within Thingiverse it can be customized, then the customized printable files already sized will be emailed directly to you! (In order to do this you will need to create a Thingiverse account, so do that first).
- When you are on the Unlimbited Phoenix Hand page in Thingiverse, to the right there is a button called "Open in Customizer". Click that button.
- You will see a 3D image of the palm appear. You can look at all the other parts as well, by using the drop-down box to preview each part.
- Next choose whether you want to make a left or right hand.
- The next choice is the Printing Scale (%). Slide that to be set at 125%.
- Now click the button on the top right that says Create Thing.
- You are presented with a dialog asking you to name your creation.
- Unclick the "Publish New Thing" and click on the "email me when it's done".
- Wait for the email to arrive from Thingiverse with an attached Zip file containing all the STL printable files already sized to 125%.
- Unzip the file somewhere accessible to your 3D printer. All the files will be in a subdirectory called 'files'.