Stop Watch With Batch Files
by Prof. Pickle in Circuits > Computers
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Stop Watch With Batch Files
This is basically a stop watch for computers. It was "programmed" (if you can call it that) in simple MS-DOS commands.
Simply copy and paste the following code into a text editing program, such as Wordpad, Notepad and Notepad++ and save it as "Stop Watch.bat"
Simply copy and paste the following code into a text editing program, such as Wordpad, Notepad and Notepad++ and save it as "Stop Watch.bat"
Feel free to point out any mistakes I have made. This will also be going in my Mega Menu program once it is working fully.
@echo off
set title=Stop Watch V 1
title %title%
color 0a
echo Press any key to start the timer or H to see the instructions
set /p start=
if %start% equ H goto help
if %start% equ h goto help
goto back
echo Press 1 to start/stop the timer
echo Press 2 to record a lap (maximum of three laps)
echo Press 3, when stopped, to reset the timer.
echo The timer only counts in whole seconds.
echo Press any key to go back
pause >nul
goto start
set lap1=0
set lap2=0
set lap3=0
set time=-1
set reset=0
set timex=0
set timey=1
set err=0
set errx=0
set erry=0
set lap=0
title %title%
If %timex% neq 0 set /a timex=%timex%+1
If %errx% neq 0 set /a errx=%errx%+1
If %timex% geq %timey% set reset=0
if %errx% geq %erry% set err=0
If %lap3% neq 0 set lap=1
if %lap3% equ 0 set lapnum=3
If %lap2% equ 0 set lapnum=2
If %lap1% equ 0 set lapnum=1
set /a time=%time%+1
If %err% neq 0 echo All three laps have values already. You cannot add any more
If %err% neq 0 echo.
If %reset% EQU 1 echo Cannot reset because time has not been stopped
echo %time% seconds
If %lap1% neq 0 echo Lap One: %lap1% seconds
If %lap2% neq 0 echo Lap Two: %lap2% seconds
If %lap3% neq 0 echo Lap Three: %lap3% seconds
echo 1 = Start/Stop
echo 2 = Lap
echo 3 = Reset (once stopped)
choice /c 123c /n /t 1 /d c
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 1 goto stop
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 2 goto lap
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 3 set timex=%time%
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 3 set /a timey=%timex%+3
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 3 set reset=1
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 3 goto timer
If %ERRORLEVEL% equ 4 goto timer
title %title% ~ Stopped
echo %time% seconds
If %lap1% neq 0 echo Lap One: %lap1% seconds
If %lap2% neq 0 echo Lap Two: %lap2% seconds
If %lap3% neq 0 echo Lap Three: %lap3% seconds
echo 1 = Start/Stop
echo 2 = Lap
echo 3 = Reset (once stopped)
choice /c 123 /n
If %ERRORLEVEL% equ 1 goto timer
If %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 2 set lap%lapnum%=%time%
If %ERRORLEVEL% equ 3 goto reset
if %lap% equ 1 set errx=0
if %lap% equ 1 set erry=3
if %lap% equ 1 set err=1
if %lap% equ 1 goto timer
set lap%lapnum%=%time%
set time=-1
goto timer
set lap1=0
set lap2=0
set lap3=0
set time=0
set reset=0
set timex=0
set timey=1
set err=0
set errx=0
set erry=1
set lap=0
goto stop
P.S: I searched "images" on Google Images to find my last two photos. They are not mine, I do not claim they are mine. I have no right over them.
@echo off
set title=Stop Watch V 1
title %title%
color 0a
echo Press any key to start the timer or H to see the instructions
set /p start=
if %start% equ H goto help
if %start% equ h goto help
goto back
echo Press 1 to start/stop the timer
echo Press 2 to record a lap (maximum of three laps)
echo Press 3, when stopped, to reset the timer.
echo The timer only counts in whole seconds.
echo Press any key to go back
pause >nul
goto start
set lap1=0
set lap2=0
set lap3=0
set time=-1
set reset=0
set timex=0
set timey=1
set err=0
set errx=0
set erry=0
set lap=0
title %title%
If %timex% neq 0 set /a timex=%timex%+1
If %errx% neq 0 set /a errx=%errx%+1
If %timex% geq %timey% set reset=0
if %errx% geq %erry% set err=0
If %lap3% neq 0 set lap=1
if %lap3% equ 0 set lapnum=3
If %lap2% equ 0 set lapnum=2
If %lap1% equ 0 set lapnum=1
set /a time=%time%+1
If %err% neq 0 echo All three laps have values already. You cannot add any more
If %err% neq 0 echo.
If %reset% EQU 1 echo Cannot reset because time has not been stopped
echo %time% seconds
If %lap1% neq 0 echo Lap One: %lap1% seconds
If %lap2% neq 0 echo Lap Two: %lap2% seconds
If %lap3% neq 0 echo Lap Three: %lap3% seconds
echo 1 = Start/Stop
echo 2 = Lap
echo 3 = Reset (once stopped)
choice /c 123c /n /t 1 /d c
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 1 goto stop
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 2 goto lap
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 3 set timex=%time%
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 3 set /a timey=%timex%+3
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 3 set reset=1
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 3 goto timer
If %ERRORLEVEL% equ 4 goto timer
title %title% ~ Stopped
echo %time% seconds
If %lap1% neq 0 echo Lap One: %lap1% seconds
If %lap2% neq 0 echo Lap Two: %lap2% seconds
If %lap3% neq 0 echo Lap Three: %lap3% seconds
echo 1 = Start/Stop
echo 2 = Lap
echo 3 = Reset (once stopped)
choice /c 123 /n
If %ERRORLEVEL% equ 1 goto timer
If %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 2 set lap%lapnum%=%time%
If %ERRORLEVEL% equ 3 goto reset
if %lap% equ 1 set errx=0
if %lap% equ 1 set erry=3
if %lap% equ 1 set err=1
if %lap% equ 1 goto timer
set lap%lapnum%=%time%
set time=-1
goto timer
set lap1=0
set lap2=0
set lap3=0
set time=0
set reset=0
set timex=0
set timey=1
set err=0
set errx=0
set erry=1
set lap=0
goto stop
P.S: I searched "images" on Google Images to find my last two photos. They are not mine, I do not claim they are mine. I have no right over them.
If you wish to use this, like any of my tid-bits, you must do a series of things first:
1. Ask me for permission (I will say yes, but I want to know that your using it).
2. Give me credit for it in your program.
3. Send me a link or send me the program itself.
I am under the by-nc-sa license which states that you may use my program non commercially, so long as credit is given.
Feel free to ask for help on a project.
1. Ask me for permission (I will say yes, but I want to know that your using it).
2. Give me credit for it in your program.
3. Send me a link or send me the program itself.
I am under the by-nc-sa license which states that you may use my program non commercially, so long as credit is given.
Feel free to ask for help on a project.