Strategist // Architect // Engineer
Play allows for strategic thinking. Competition between the players to reach an anchor and maintain the balance of the structure. Creating the game allows it to expand to any size, thus expanding the complexity of the game.
Materials of the game: wooden blocks, squares, and magnetic rectangles on (on the dice and columns) and the game field board with a grid drawn (material, color to choose from)
Rules of the Game
Rules of the Game
The playing field is with 2D boundary rules but not with 3D space boundaries. There is a central page from which the game begins and more pages. From the main page, players are asked to move only one part of each two-dimensional plot up to six slots (putting up to six blocks) and three existing slots up to the next page that does not allow them to be used in a two-dimensional field, so there is a strategic option. Each player has a magnetic dice pool. By adjusting the sides of cubes (magnet type), the construction of the 3D play space is created. The construction of the game space is based on blocks that determine the number of elements that can be put. If the player exits an even number of dice, there is the possibility of reaching (touching) a two-dimensional pitch from a six-slot organ, so luck comes. Only with luck getting out of the player's numbers is it possible to touch slots, create "support"... "Bridge" to cubes in 3D space. With magnets in the blocks, the elements interact with each other, creating the opportunity to build 3D play space. Each player should reach the next page, and not allow the collapse of 3D elements and continue to the next pages on the field. Wins a player who came first to the last page. The game allows for endless continuity. If you add more pages and the magnetic dice, the game can become an indefinite amount of time and space.
An Example of a Two-player Game Start
An example of a two-player game start