Strawberry Treat
This is my first instructable. It is fairly simply but very delicious.
Chocolate Syrup
Whipped Cream
Cutting Board
Whipped Cream
Cutting Board
Pick Large Strawberry
Of the bunch of strawberries picked for this treat, try to find one a little larger than the rest.
Cut Off Stem
Using the knife, cut the stem and any leaves or nasty parts from the strawberry. Try to keep as much of the actual strawberry intact.
Cut the Center Out
Again, using the knife, cut the center of the strawberry out while trying not to cut the outer layer that could some how result in a mess. You can eat what you cut out.
Fill With Chocolate
Fill the strawberry almost to the brim with chocolate syrup.
Top of With Whipped Cream
Using the remaining space, top off the strawberry with whipped cream. Once you are finished this step, the snack is complete and ready to eat.