Super Easy Fun Vibrobot
After going through many different versions,
I came up with what I call the tri-Vi. All you need are:1) 1.5 v motor 2) AA battery) 3) three toothbrushes 4) 2 wires
Tools needed: 1) hot glue gun 2) pliers(optional)
I came up with what I call the tri-Vi. All you need are:1) 1.5 v motor 2) AA battery) 3) three toothbrushes 4) 2 wires
Tools needed: 1) hot glue gun 2) pliers(optional)
Take two toothbrushes and cut them off right at the base before the bristles. Leave a little bit of handle on the third one. After you have all three cut, glue them side by side three in a row.
Mount Your Motor
Take the motor and apply hot glue to the bottom. Place it firmly on the middle toothbrush to where the shaft hangs slightly off the end of the toothbrush.
Mount Battery
Take your battery and mount it horizontal on the little bit of handle hanging off of the middle toothbrush. Hot glue it on.
Connect Everything Together
Take your wires and making sure you have a good connection, hot glue them to the battery. With the same end (positive and negative) connect it to the motor. Leave one end not hot glued. There you have it! You have your very own Tri-Vi! Connect the wire to the battery And it will vibrate around.