Survival Kits: Revolution
Of all things you need during a revolution these would be it. The airsoft gun is supposed to represent am actual gun, however stick to pistols. A backpack is also needed, however if you are going to be looting or revolting, you may want a mask and lightweight rifle.
The handgun and light will be one of these most valuable things you will carry on you, but don't forget ammo or batts.
A Swiss Army style knife will provide a large amount of tools you can use to get your way through urban environments, including breaking car windows. The watch will help you manage daylight and time things if needed.
The Little Things
Keys, to help lock up any useful things you find like a house or car. Paper and pens to make notes and maps of your area. Both very helpful.
Tape, what more can I say?
It's always gonna be useful, dont lie.
OPTIONAL: Mask and Rifle
If you are the one doing the revolting or are planning on raiding and looting, you are going to want a light weight rifle instead of handgun. And if you don't want to be remembered, a mask will ALWAYS be useful.