Suspended Shelf
inspired by suspension bridges from around the globe I have decided to build my own model.
I have used only fishing wire to hang the shelf and stable it to the wall.
the shelf is not touching the supporting column.
Step 1 : Matirials
1. 100*25*2.8 piece of wood to be the shelf
2. 4*4*60 piece of wood to be the column
3. 0.45mm thick fishing wire
4. wood nuts
5.hidden wall hanger
6. drill capable to drill 127mm hole
Step 2 : Wood Work
drill the main hole where the column is located using the 127 mm cup
drill the small holes were the fishing wire is located.
cut the column ends
sand and wax it all nice and tight
connect the wall hanger to the column and hang it to on the wall
hang the shelf using the fishing wire and the wood nuts - that is the hardest part of the process. make sure all wires are in tension. see schema -
green dot - wire goes above the shelf
red dot - wire goes bellow the shelf
red and green both way
The Shelf
As you can see in the video the shelf is stable for light loads only. more wires can be added to stiffen the structure if the expected loads are significant.