TV Remote Controller
In this web page we are going to show step by step the project we have done for Usos Académicos en la terminología del Inglés subject.
Everything is documented so if you want to recreate the project you can.
The softwares we have used for writing the codes are Arduino and Processing, so the first step if you want to start this project is downloading both of them.
Project description
The project that we are going to realize is a TV controller, which, it changes the commands across the movement. All the commands and the functions will be programmed using Arduino.
The idea of controlling a TV with an Arduino is very cool, but difficult as well, because you have to obtain all the Infrared patterns to send the signal. That's why we have decided to recreate a TV using Processing, and depending the action you decide to do with the remote, processing will do an action related with that movement.
1. Arduino UNO device
2. PBC board
3. MPU 6050 device with giroscope and acelerometer
4. 2x 12ohm resistences
5. conexion of battery
6. 9v battery
7. interface wire
8. 6x LEDS
The TV remote has an spheric shape because is considered the most ergonomic shape for hand interaction. Also beeing this way the movements for the commands are more intuitive for the user.
We have drawn the connections diagram by using Fritzing interface.
First of all we modeled the protoype using SolidWorks 3D software. After that, we went to print it with a 3D printer. There are some parts of the remote that are really small, like the closing mechanism, and the printer wasn't able to make them.
It's diveded in two parts. The top one, that contains all the jumpers, the IR LEDs, the MPU6050 and the arduino plaque, and the bottom one, contains the battery and the wire to connect the Arduino plaque with the battery.
Write the code with the arduino aplication:
we have attached a pdf document with the code writen.
Write the code with processing aplication for compilation arduino to processing
The Processing aplication will be responsible for displaying the desired images on the screen.
we have attached a pdf document with the code writen.
This is the appearance of our final prototype.
We decided to stick with black color to fit any living room. This is the only physical aspect we have maintained from the conventional tv remote controllers.