Tablet Case
I am using a cheap 7" tablet to do the case
Main Material
I used 1/8 , 4mm thick pvc that I cut 1/8, 4mm biger than the tablet , and on one of them I cut the shape of the screen to include the camera hole, all this was cut with a x acto knife
Remaining Used Materials
I got a cloth strap from an old back pack and cut the 6 pieces 2.1/2 , 65mm long, also (not in the picture) one inch long piece of velcro, to be used on the top side, so you can slide out the tablet
Putting Together
here I used contact glue to fix the six piecs on the top frame
lay down tablet over the back of the frame (where straps were glued)
Almost There
put the back frame on top of the tablet and more contact glue on the back of the frame and straps, the top side will be glued to the velcro
One More Step
let glue dry .and it's done
Ready to Take
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