Temperature and Humidity Monitoring Using SHT25 and Arduino Nano

by Dcube Tech Ventures in Circuits > Electronics

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Temperature and Humidity Monitoring Using SHT25 and Arduino Nano

Arduino Nano SHT25 I²C Humidity & Temperature Sensor Tutorial

We have recently worked on various projects which required temperature and humidity monitoring and then we realized that these two parameters actually play a pivotal role in having an estimate of the working efficiency of a system. Both at the industrial level and personal systems an optimum temperature level is the requisite for the adequate performance of the system.

This is the reason, in this tutorial we are going to explain the working of the SHT25 humidity and temperature sensor with Arduino Nano.

SHT25 Overview:

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First of all lets start with the basic understanding of the sensor and the protocol on which it works.

SHT25 I2C Humidity and Temperature Sensor ±1.8%RH ±0.2°C I2C Mini Module. It is high-accuracy humidity and temperature sensor has become an industry standard in terms of form factor and intelligence, providing calibrated, linearised sensor signals in digital, I2C format. Integrated with a specialized analog and digital circuit this sensor is one of the most efficient device to measure the temperature and humidity.

The communication protocol on which the sensor works is I2C. I2C stands for the inter-integrated circuit. It is a communication protocol in which the communication takes place through SDA(serial data) and SCL(serial clock) lines. It allows connecting multiple devices at the same time. It is one of the simplest and most efficient communication protocol.

What You Need..!!

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The materials that we need for accomplishing our goal includes the following hardware components:

1. SHT25 Humidity and temperature sensor

2. Arduino Nano

3. I2C Cable

4. I2C Shield For Arduino nano

Hardware Hookup:


The hardware hookup section basically explains the wiring connections required between the sensor and the arduino nano. Ensuring correct connections is the basic necessity while working on any system for the desired output. So, the requisite connections are as follows:

The SHT25 will work over I2C . Here is the example wiring diagram, demonstrating how to wire up each interface of the sensor.

Out-of-the-box, the board is configured for an I2C interface, as such we recommend using this hookup if you’re otherwise agnostic. All you need is four wires!

Only four connections are required Vcc, Gnd, SCL and SDA pins and these are connected with the help of I2C cable.

These connections are demonstrated in the pictures above.

Temperature and Humidity Monitoring Code:


Let's start with the Arduino code now.

While using the sensor module with the Arduino, we include Wire.h library. "Wire" library contains the functions which facilitate the i2c communication between the sensor and the Arduino board.

The entire Arduino code is given below for the convenience of the user:

<p>#include<Wire.h></p><p>// SHT25 I2C address is 0x40(64)</p><p>#define Addr 0x40
void setup()</p><p>{  </p><p>// Initialise I2C communication as MASTER  </p><p>Wire.begin();  </p><p>// Initialise serial communication, set baud rate = 9600  </p><p>Serial.begin(9600);  </p><p>delay(300);</p><p>}
void loop()</p><p>{  </p><p>unsigned int data[2];  </p><p>// Start I2C transmission  </p><p>Wire.beginTransmission(Addr);  </p><p>// Send humidity measurement command, NO HOLD master  </p><p>Wire.write(0xF5);  </p><p>// Stop I2C transmission  </p><p>Wire.endTransmission();  </p><p>delay(500);</p><p>// Request 2 bytes of data  </p><p>Wire.requestFrom(Addr, 2);</p><p>// Read 2 bytes of data  </p><p>// humidity msb, humidity lsb  </p><p>if(Wire.available() == 2)  </p><p>{    </p><p>data[0] = Wire.read();    </p><p>data[1] = Wire.read();</p><p>// Convert the data    </p><p>float humidity = (((data[0] * 256.0 + data[1]) * 125.0) / 65536.0) - 6;</p><p>// Output data to Serial Monitor    </p><p>Serial.print("Relative Humidity :");    </p><p>Serial.print(humidity);    </p><p>Serial.println(" %RH");  </p><p>}</p><p>// Start I2C transmission  </p><p>Wire.beginTransmission(Addr);  </p><p>// Send temperature measurement command, NO HOLD master  </p><p>Wire.write(0xF3);  </p><p>// Stop I2C transmission  </p><p>Wire.endTransmission();  </p><p>delay(500);</p><p>// Request 2 bytes of data  </p><p>Wire.requestFrom(Addr, 2);</p><p>// Read 2 bytes of data  </p><p>// temp msb, temp lsb  </p><p>if(Wire.available() == 2)  </p><p>{    </p><p>data[0] = Wire.read();    </p><p>data[1] = Wire.read();</p><p>// Convert the data    </p><p>float cTemp = (((data[0] * 256.0 + data[1]) * 175.72) / 65536.0) - 46.85;    </p><p>float fTemp = (cTemp * 1.8) + 32;</p><p>// Output data to Serial Monitor    </p><p>Serial.print("Temperature in Celsius :");    </p><p>Serial.print(cTemp);    Serial.println(" C");    </p><p>Serial.print("Temperature in Fahrenheit :");    </p><p>Serial.print(fTemp);    </p><p>Serial.println(" F");  </p><p>}  </p><p>delay(300);</p><p>}</p>

All you need to do is burn the code in Arduino and check your readings on the serial port. The output is shown in the picture above.



SHT25 temperature and relative humidity sensor has various industrial applications like temperature monitoring, computer peripheral thermal protection. We have also employed this sensor into weather station applications as well as greenhouse monitoring system.