TfCD: Neck-corrector

by TFCD - Federico and Ewoud in Workshop > 3D Printing

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TfCD: Neck-corrector


The Neck-corrector is a device which keeps track on the angle of the neck. If the user is sitting behind his laptop for a long time the accelerometer registers low movement and an ongoing tilted position of the neck. After some time the Arduino will then send an audial notification through 2 piezo speakers located at the end of the headband which use bone conduction to transfer the sound.

- This bone conduction technology allows the user to use their headphones or none at all while still not bothering other people with the buzzing sound.
- The portable layout does not interfere with daily life, therefore the user can apply this technology throughout the day.

- In this version of the code there is no calibration function integrated. This might be useful if the headband does not fit perfectly.

Present posture correction technologies only give a time based notification on the user’s phone. This notification tells the user to change its position or do some exercises on a time based interval. These notifications give a buzzer or a vibration which distract others as well. The bone conduction technology is still in a basic stage but in the future it might become more advanced than the present headphones. This new technology of combining cloths with accelerometers to measure real-life changes in the position of the users body might be used in the future in helping people with RSI symptoms or the rehabilitation of patients.

3D Print the Files

Case bottom.JPG
Case top.JPG



Attach the Speakers


Attach the 2 piezo elements to the holes in the headband and connect them with two green and two blue male-to-female wires. If the speakers do not stick try using some double-sided tape.

Connect the Accelerometor


Attach the accelerometor the the prescribed male-to-female wires. (In the picture we used a breadboard to make it clear but this is not necessary in the final product.) Afterwards attach the accelerometor with a piece of double-sided tape to the back of the headband.

Prepare the Arduinocase


1. Upload the attached code on to your Arduino.
2. Put the arduino in the 3D printed case and close it.
3. Connect the wires as seen in the image of the previous step.
4. Stick a strip of Velcro to the bottom of the case.



Stick the Arduino case to the top end of the back of your shirt using the sticker of the other side of the Velcro and put the headband on your head. Make sure you put the speakers above your ears for the bone conduction to work.


Plug in the battery pack and go correct your posture!