The Donut Hat

by cmorales24 in Craft > Art

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The Donut Hat


I've been missing donuts lately and a whole lot of other things. But I decided to make a donut hat since its the silliest hat idea I could think of.

The materials needed are just a little:

  • 3d printer
  • Arduino
  • cardboard
  • paint/paintbrushes
  • glue
  • batteries
  • paper&colored paper

This project took a while to design and learn on the road. But I'm gonna simplify the steps as much as possible.

Making the Hat


For this step, you'll need

  • cardboard
  • plastic chicken cover
  • colored paper
  • glue&hot glue

The big circle for your base has to be about 14 inches. The smaller one has to be 6.5 inches. You'll need to cut them out with a razor. Next trace the smaller circle on the bigger. Next, you cut out triangular shapes and glue those to the chicken cover. (look at photos) Make sure to wash it a lot before you glue it. Finally, cover it in blue paper or whatever paper you desire. I used yellow sticker notes to make a road.

3d Printing


Materials for this step:

  • filament
  • 3d printer
  • paint&brushes
  • hot glue

Here are the links to the 3d models I made. You surf Thingiverse for other models you would want instead. Just grab some paint and paint away. The car is split into two because of the program I was using didn't allow me to group two pieces together. I used hot glue to put them together.



For this step, you'll need these materials

  • Arduino
  • breadboard
  • servo
  • LCD panel
  • stepper motor
  • f/m wires
  • m/m wires
  • print out Homer Simpson

First for the LCD Panel the wires you'll need to connect to listed below:

  1. vss-gnd
  2. vdd-5v
  3. vo-6
  4. rs-12
  5. rw-gnd
  6. e-11
  7. d4-5
  8. d5-4
  9. d6-3
  10. d7-2
  11. A-5v
  12. K-gnd

For the breadboard

You need to connect one of the 5v from the Arduino with an m/m wire to the breadboard which will allow you to use that row for connections. You have limited use to your 5v connectors. Do the same for GND.

Connect the servo black or brown wire to one of the GND pins on the breadboard. For the red wire connect it to one of the 5v pins. For the yellow servo wire connect it to pin 13. Finally, type on Homer Simpson.

For the motor, you'll need the stepper motor driver. Connect the motor to that. Next you'll see the +&- symbols which will need two wires. The "+" goes to one of the 5v pins on the breadboard. The "-" goes to one GND pins on the breadboard or connect directly to the Arduino.

For the four pins on the stepper motor driver

  1. 1N1 -7
  2. 1N2 - 8
  3. 1N3 - 9
  4. 1N4 - 10

I needed additional power so I got any ordinary wire and cut it exposing the wires. Next, I used a micro knife. You probably could use a knife. It exposed the black, red, green, and white cables. Only the black, and red wires matter. Don't worry about others. You need to cut the insulation exposing those wires as well. Finally, connect it to the breadboard. The red wire is the 5v and it gives you another row. I used it for the LCD since I needed more power. Plugin both the red wire and black into different rows. You're done. Now you have another row of powered 5v and GND.

Here's the code:

#include <Servo.h> 
#include <LiquidCrystal.h> 
#include <Stepper.h>

LiquidCrystal lcd(12,11,5,4,3,2);
Servo Servo1;

int servoPin = 13;
int Contrast=75;
int StepsRequired;

const float STEPS_PER_REV = 32; 

const float GEAR_RED = 64;


Stepper steppermotor(STEPS_PER_REV, 7, 9, 8, 10);

void setup() {
  lcd.begin(16, 2);
void loop() {
  lcd.print("  DUNKIN DONUTS");
  lcd.print("DON'T EAT MY HAT");
  StepsRequired  =  1 * STEPS_PER_OUT_REV;

Putting It All Together


Finally hot glue the items as seen on the photos. Put the electronics in the house. You need two battery packs. For mine unless you got yours to work with only one. I had a heavy one but you use any battery pack. Hot glue the DD, donuts, and car. Your done and donut on top should be spinning and Homer Simpson on the servo should be attacking the donut. Don't eat my hat.