The Mini Trash Collector
This device will function when the trash is detected by the camera(in the laptop)
Its servo motor will move the inclined plane depending on the value that the trash is detected as 'plastic' or 'paper' so that the trashes move in the container easily.
Arduino Uno, LCD Display(1602)-12C, servo motor(SG-90 DXW90), Ultrasonic sensor, camera(in laptop), breadboard, the wires container(in my case : LEGO blocks), super glue
mblock(with blocks, including program 'upload mode broadcast', 'publicduino', TM)
Making the Device
- Use a container that has a partition with servo motor-free height in the middle.
- Fixing the servo motor which has an inclined plane in the box's upper parts and the ultrasonic sensor in the box's front parts.
- Put a wire connected the LCD in the Arduino (pin : GND-GND, VCC-5V, SDA-SDA, SCL-SCL)
- Put a wire connected the ultraviolet sensor in the Arduino(pin : GND-GND, VCC-5V, Trig - Digital 11, Echo - Digital 12)
- put a wire connected the servo in the Arduino(pin : GND-GND, VCC-5V, Signal - Digital 9
Making the Program
- Use mblock and Include the program 'Upload mode broadcast', 'pyblicduino', 'TM'
- Write like the upper picture(left picture : TM(named 'plastic' and 'paper', middle picture : sprite coding, right picture : device coding)