The Second Chess Board
I started this project one day when my daughter commented that she could beat me at the game of chess. While she was at school, I attempted to build a board with Purple Heart and Yellow Heart to play with. When I had nearly finished she arrived home from school and I asked if she would help me finish it. In the process some footage lost so we started again.
The first board was aligned end grain so even though I used expensive wood it does not look very good. So we improved simply by aligning the wood long grain and exposing a veneer type panel.
In this project we used Select Grade Pine for the top and Sharpie to color the squares. A quarter inch piece of MDF was used for the backing board and a two part epoxy was used to glue the squares into place. The edge trimming is mahogany and the bottom is covered with a solid piece of leather. The video shows the assembly
of the board.
The match ends with a stalemate which may not be an aggressive victory but it is my typical strategy.