The Study Buddy
Have a hard time focusing when you're trying to study? Sometimes it can be so daunting to sit down and consume information for hours on end.
The Study Buddy is here to help you manage your studies and prioritize your mental health. With the touch of a button, you're able to tackle your education in 30 minute increments.
- A circuit playground
- 3 colored sheets of 4x4 Craft Felt
- White Polyester Fiber Fill
- Embroidery Floss
- 1 sheet of Cardstock
Coding the Circuit Playground
To begin making your Study Buddy, it's smart to begin with coding. This particular circuit playground I coded in MakeCode. I'll attach a picture of the code below. Once the code is ready, download it and drag it to the circuit playground you have plugged into your computer.
Cutting the Felt
Cut out two 4 inch circles using the same color felt. One will be for the front, one for the back.
Choose another color to cut out a small star to use as the start button.
Your final color will be used to cut out a + to use as the 5 minute timer.
Sew the Felt
Once you have your shapes cut out, you can begin hand stitching your circles together with your embroidery floss. Place the plugged in circuit playground in the center of one of your felt circles. Place the other circle on top and behind stitching the edges together. Once you have almost sewn around the outside of the circles, take some polyester fill and place it the front and back of the circuit playground. Once the circles are filled, close the stitch.
Adding Details
Now it's time to place the details and decorations on The Study Buddy. I used a Cricut machine to cut out the letters on my Study Buddy, but you can do this step anyway you'd like. Once you have the letters cut out, you can hot glue them onto the front side of the felt. (The side with the circuit playground buttons facing up.)
The star and + you cut out of felt can now be hot glued onto the front also. You'll need to feel around and and make sure the star is glued over the A button on the playground, and the + is glued over the B button on the playground.
Plug in Your Study Buddy
The final step is making sure your Study Buddy works! Just plug it into your computer, make sure the code is downloaded to the circuit playground and press the star button to begin your 30 minute timer. Happy studying!