The Sunset Painting
This is a painting of a sunset using a variety of colors and techniques.
Add all the paint you need to a plate and gather all materials.
Add a line of dark blue at the top of your canvas.
Next, add a light blue line underneath the dark blue line and blend.
Then, add a purple line underneath the light blue line and blend.
Now, add a red line under the purple line and blend.
Now, after you have blended the red line, add an orange line underneath the red one, and then a yellow line underneath the orange one. Make sure to leave white space at the bottom.
Leaving a white space at the bottom, blend all the colors above to make a sunset
Next, add black to the white space making sure there is no white left. Create a hill effect with the black paint.
Next, paint in the trees using black paint and make sure it is on top of the hill. Also, add a sun where the yellow and black meet using white paint.
Then, add clouds in the sky, like two or three as seen in the picture.
Now, add birds in the sky.
Finally, add hot air balloons silhouettes into the painting with black paint.