The Ultimate Desk.
The desk i have in my room is particularly average. its incredibly weak and rocky, looks cheap and nasty and is too short for me to sit comfortably at! (I'm 6,3") to remedy the problem i decided to with the help of my dad make a far better one to match the my bed which we made not that long ago. the main things i wanted for this desk were.
- A simple wooden design
- High enough for me
- Big top to fit lots of things (my tinkering bits and pieces, soldering station, etc)
- Sturdy heavy construction
If you have any questions about how this was made or anything i left out, leave a comment and ill do my best to help you out.
the top and legs of the desk were made out 6x2 (145x45) grade 2 pine the piece at the back to stabilise it is 190mm x 18mm and the other stabilising pieces were 2x2
The Top
Making the top of the desk was the most time consuming part of the project. firstly we cut six of the planks in half.
with the 12 pieces we had i laid them all out chose which side of each piece i wanted facing up and which way around it was to go to give an aesthetically pleasing spread of knots and grain.
next all pieces were put through the buzzer (electric planer?) to give them perfectly square sides which would make sure they all fitted together well when glued. pva woodglue on its own isnt enough to join this much wood so between each plank there are 3 biscuit joints. once all the biscuit slots have been filled with glue and biscuits have been placed in them the edges of each plank are covered in glue and they are all clamped together using sash clamps.
Tidying It Up.
with all the pieces glued together the top can be taken out of the clamps sanded smooth with a belt sander and cut to size with a skill saw.
i measured the size to cut the top by how big in could be before it would not fit through my door.3
The legs of the desk are made the same way that the top was just cut shorted an d narrower then the top was.
to fit the legs to bottom of the table top a slot the size of the legs end is routed into the bottom of the table just deep enough to hold the leg in place (maybe half the thickness of the top)
these slots make take a little widening before the legs fit but be careful not to make them to big.
Stability + Varnishing
the routed notches for the legs is not enough to keep the desk stable so a piece of wood is stuck between the legs at the back. also a block of wood is screwed on the inner side of the leg bracing it against the top.
unfortunately this step was about where my photo taking ceased but i have taken a few photos with my phone as i sit here writing this to help my explanations out.
Finished Product
This is almost a year after i made the desk and it is great! does everything i wanted and its a nice piece of furniture adding to the look of my room.