Tower Led
The tower is composed of acrylic where we were installing LEDs
What We Need
1 Threaded Rod
10 Leds (20 for beter result)
1 capacitor 63V 10uF
2 resistors 10k
IC LM3914N
acrylic sheet 8mm
acrylic sheet 4mm (option for the for the box that contains the circuit)
2k pot
50k pot
100k resistor (option. The resistance value can change it depend on your stereo)
2 diode zener
Other material:
hot glue
pliers long nose
30 nut for the Threaded Rod (on my project)
sander p100 (for the edge)
10 Leds (20 for beter result)
1 capacitor 63V 10uF
2 resistors 10k
IC LM3914N
acrylic sheet 8mm
acrylic sheet 4mm (option for the for the box that contains the circuit)
2k pot
50k pot
100k resistor (option. The resistance value can change it depend on your stereo)
2 diode zener
Other material:
hot glue
pliers long nose
30 nut for the Threaded Rod (on my project)
sander p100 (for the edge)
The LM3914 is a ic used to test battery, one day I wanted to make a LED tower and I made some changes to the circuit. Still you can use to test battery 1.5v, 9v and 12v. By changing R3 and R5 by a resistance:
5k for 1.5v
85k for 9v
110k for 12v
5k for 1.5v
85k for 9v
110k for 12v
Cut Acrylic and Wood and Drill It
You can cut the acrylique with a saw or electric saw (not fast you can melt acrylic). drill the acrylique,use drill 5mm for the LEDs and make a hole around 0.5 to 1 cm.
cut your wood to make a stable base to hold the tower. for my project I use a wood 15 cm by 25 cm and 3cm thick
the hardest time, drill the holes for the rod. holes must be in the same place on all acrylic sheets
cut your wood to make a stable base to hold the tower. for my project I use a wood 15 cm by 25 cm and 3cm thick
the hardest time, drill the holes for the rod. holes must be in the same place on all acrylic sheets
Finiching and Result :)
I used hot glue for leds on the acrylic and cooled with ice to the glue becomes translucent.
welding the anodes of the LEDs to have a common positive wire
connect all led to the board.
remember: led 10 is connected on pin 1 and the first led is connected on pin 10
welding the anodes of the LEDs to have a common positive wire
connect all led to the board.
remember: led 10 is connected on pin 1 and the first led is connected on pin 10