Hi,I am TheGamerz.Once again,I would like to announce,a new project,a new success. The TracePing!
This project maybe only made in only 1 day and 5 hours.But,It is really polished.Maybe TracePing Have a few issues,but I promise i will fix it as fast as possible.
TracePing Will Have It Own's Console, which is Trac3P1ng OS. It Will Be Pretty Familiar With Windows CMD.
TracePing Have 919 Lines Of Code Which is the least code i have ever written.
Here Is The Comparison With My Project,E.F.V.S.L.C
E.F.V.S.L.C have 21,000 lines of code.18,000 I coded by myself.
TracePing Have 919 Lines Of Code. 680 I coded by myself.
Trace and Ping Website and IP Adress.
TracePing Can View Your IP or Someone's Else's IP.However,Please don't use TracePing as a HACKING TOOL.TracePing Is a REALLY POWERFUL TOOL.Like I said,It could be exploited to a HACKING TOOL.
If you know someone's is hacking using TracePing,Please Report To Me.
My Email:
Some ScreenShots
View Some ScreenShots.
Here is the download! I hope you enjoy it!
And please report to me if you know who is hacking with TracePing.
Thank You
Thank You for reading this article.
I hope you guys Safe out there!
Also,Please check out my other project!