Trinity Tie Knot
If you've ever wanted a knot to impress, here it is!
NOTE: It is suggested to use a tie that is either patterned or has small stripes, like the tie pictured. Do not use a tie with several different colored stripes, as the stripes and colors will collide in the knot.
CAUTION: This knot is not for a novice tie-tier. It can be difficult to perfect and adjust for even the most refined of gentlemen.
NOTE: It is suggested to use a tie that is either patterned or has small stripes, like the tie pictured. Do not use a tie with several different colored stripes, as the stripes and colors will collide in the knot.
CAUTION: This knot is not for a novice tie-tier. It can be difficult to perfect and adjust for even the most refined of gentlemen.
Set Up
(1.1) This is a knot that is tied with the narrow end of the tie. Place the wide end about where it should hit the belly, and then pull it up a an inch or so higher. In order to tighten the knot at the end and have it sit correctly, it will be desirable to start with the tie somewhat short.
First Side
(2.1) Cross the narrow end of the tie over top of wide end.
(2.2) Loop the narrow end around the top, keeping it on the same side as it was after it was crossed over.
(2.2) Loop the narrow end around the top, keeping it on the same side as it was after it was crossed over.
Second Side
(3.1) Cross the narrow end of the tie behind the wide end to get it to the other side.
(3.2) Once again loop the narrow end of the tie over the top, keeping it on the same side as it was when it was crossed over, creating a heart shape.
(3.2) Once again loop the narrow end of the tie over the top, keeping it on the same side as it was when it was crossed over, creating a heart shape.
Cross and Backwards Windsor
NOTE: Keep this part loose! It will need to be opened slightly in the next step.
(4.1) Cross the narrow end behind and to the other side, which will somewhat loosen the heart shape, and cross the narrow end over top of the knot.
(4.2) Loop the narrow end behind and over top of the knot, and insert it behind the piece of the tie that was just crossed over. This should look and feel similar to tying a typical windsor, except with the narrow end in front.
(4.1) Cross the narrow end behind and to the other side, which will somewhat loosen the heart shape, and cross the narrow end over top of the knot.
(4.2) Loop the narrow end behind and over top of the knot, and insert it behind the piece of the tie that was just crossed over. This should look and feel similar to tying a typical windsor, except with the narrow end in front.
Making the Trinity
(5.1) This is the tricky part. Take the narrow end and pull it around so that it is behind the knot. Don't loop or cross it, just pull it around.
(5.2) Insert the narrow end through the top loop that was just made in the last step (2).
(5.3) Pull it tight. The trinity should now be formed!
(5.2) Insert the narrow end through the top loop that was just made in the last step (2).
(5.3) Pull it tight. The trinity should now be formed!
(6.1) Take the narrow end that was just pulled through and hide it behind the other part of the tie.
It will probably take a significant amount of adjustment until the technique is perfected, but make sure to adjust the front of the tie so that there is the dimple and not an awkward fold.
The large part of the tie up on the neck (that part the narrow end was tucked behind) will also likely need to be folded up on itself slightly so that it will fit underneath the collar.
In order to tighten the tie, pull on the wide end with one hand, while holding the top knot in place with the other.
(6.2) Voilá!
(6.3) Go impress that hiring manager, pick up a fashion-aware date, or make all of your co-workers jealous!
It will probably take a significant amount of adjustment until the technique is perfected, but make sure to adjust the front of the tie so that there is the dimple and not an awkward fold.
The large part of the tie up on the neck (that part the narrow end was tucked behind) will also likely need to be folded up on itself slightly so that it will fit underneath the collar.
In order to tighten the tie, pull on the wide end with one hand, while holding the top knot in place with the other.
(6.2) Voilá!
(6.3) Go impress that hiring manager, pick up a fashion-aware date, or make all of your co-workers jealous!