Truckers Steering Wheel Desk
WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT USE THIS WHILE DRIVING. FOR USE WHILE PARKING ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK this is my first Instructable, so please me nice. When sitting at a truck stop waiting for a load it is easier to use the laptop while sitting at the steering wheel. Problem is my laptop is a little too narrow to stay sitting on the steering wheel. So after thinking of ways to fix this problem. I was walking around a Hobby Lobby and saw the painting easels and inspiration struck.
OK this is my first Instructable, so please me nice. When sitting at a truck stop waiting for a load it is easier to use the laptop while sitting at the steering wheel. Problem is my laptop is a little too narrow to stay sitting on the steering wheel. So after thinking of ways to fix this problem. I was walking around a Hobby Lobby and saw the painting easels and inspiration struck.
Excuse the mess in the back of my truck. This is the one I bought, it was the cheapest one, and works good.
1 easel (Hobby Lobby $8.99)
6 screws
Drill and Drill bits
1 easel (Hobby Lobby $8.99)
6 screws
Drill and Drill bits
Remove the leg and bracket pictured on the left. So that it looks like the second picture.
Cut off the little angled nub on the end of the removed leg. File off the stray ends from cutting. I filled down the leg to be able to fit into the slot on the folding arm that the canvas frame sits in. Then cut the leg in half and filed the strays on the cut.
This is the slot I was meaning in the previous step. My laptop is thin, it would sit down too low. So I added the leg pieces here. I drilled 3 holes thru these 2 boards. Countersunk the holes on the back side.
This is how it sits on the steering wheel, and how the laptop sits on it. Sorry about the brightness on this picture, camera phone. This folds up and goes behind the seat while driving, a lot smaller space then the plastic ones sold in the truck stops for $20. I spent $10.