Bipedal Walking Robot
Hello everybody! I have decided to make walking robot and I didn't want to have an easy task so I have chosen to make it bipedal that walks similar as human. This instructable will be quite fast, because I decided to make it only after I made the robot.
We will need:
- 6x micro servos
- ATtiny2313 chip and socket for it
- LM7805 voltage regulator with radiator
- Strip of header pins
- Plywood
- Small and light 6-20 volts battery
- Some wire, screwdriver, programmer, hot glue and etc.
At first we need to cut the parts from plywood. After you cut first three parts, copy them on plywood and cut another three. Now we need to drill holes in the places of dots, because we will need them to screw parts to servos (diameter of 3 mm should be more than enough). After drilling lets cut the rectangle in the hips using fretsaw.
Now we need to fix servo arms to the plywood parts. Take the small piece of wire and fix servo arm like shown in the pictures.
Take a hot glue pistol and glue the feet to servos. In this step you should make angle around 15 degrees for each foot. While pistol is still ready, you can glue two servos bottom to bottom, they will be used for hips (follow the picture).
Finally you can screw all parts together. If you want to make it tight, use long screws and screw plywood with servo arm together to the servo shaft.
Soldering PCB
Using my given schematics you need to solder all components to the PCB. When it is done you can fix all PCB to the robot with tape like I did or maybe you have a better idea (I am sure you have :) ).
Now you need to put the servo wires in the right places. I have drown the plan how servos should be connected.
Here comes the longest part. It have taken few times more time than other steps, but don't worry, you almost have done the job with downloading my program. At first upload the test program to the chip and turn on the robot. Now you have to add or subtract number from the angle. For example if your servo is in practical position of 85 degrees, then do this: "servo_angle(2, 90+5, Micro);", if it is in position of 97 then do: "servo_angle(2, 90-7, Micro);". All servos must be in the perfect position of 90 degrees like in the picture. Now you can open "Walking robot" program and just rewrite your calibration degrees like in examples before. Now upload program to the chip and try it. It really walks? Congratulations! But probably it doesn't, so be patient, follow each step very carefully and try to change angles by yourself. It will be very good challenge for you.
I hope you like my robot. I know that this instructable is not very clear, so feel free to ask any question and I will help you by adding more photos or explanations. And also be a real engineer, try to improve my robot and i will be happy to see how you do. Thank you for your attention and good luck!