Survival Knife!
This is my mod on my new survival knife to make it an ultimate survival knife. I got this knife at Harbor Freight.
The handle on my knife is hollow which makes a convenient storage place. It came with some necessary things and some unnecessary things. They are separated in the pics. I felt like there were some things missing. So I decided to change each one of the unnecessary things and put in some more necessary things.
The knife came with some matches and a little piece of striker for the match. What if I lose this piece of striker? Then I don't have any fire. So I'm going to put these in there instead.
Alright so you have your matches now. Are you going to light whole sticks and logs with one match. No! You need fire starter. My favorite is sawdust. Just sand or cut a lot of wood to get sawdust. Then put it in a little bag. For another fire starter use this, . Just google how to make a fire, seriously, not that hard.
Paracord Handle
I just wrapped my handle with paracord without using fancy techniques because the techniques seem silly. So I just wrapped and enjoyed.
The knife came with fishing line and a fishing hook. I was thinking ''Useful? Yes.'' Then I remembered another instructable ( ) on turning a soda thing into a fishing hook.
Other useful things such as band-aids, super glue, and iodine tablets. Another thing is you can get a small stick and wrap it with just enough duct tape to fit inside the handle. Everything else would also have to fit.