Unconscious Choking Steps. (Red Cross)

by crazyscott85 in Living > Health

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Unconscious Choking Steps. (Red Cross)

The first 2 steps will be the same as rescue breathing because this is the initial assessment. This part is very important and determines weather rescue breathing, CPR, or unconscious choking steps should be executed.

I am currently taking my Red Cross Life Saving class. To help me study for my final test I am reciting CPR, Rescue Breathing, Unconscious Choking, and AED steps from memory. This not only benefits me but also the Instructables community and anyone else who wants to study or learn.

The steps are relatively easy to preform and remember. A pocket mask is recommended to prevent diseases from spreading. They are not needed in training or a real emergency but are for the safety for everyone. I will be doing the instructable as if you did have one though.

I will be adding links and pictures later along with some other notes and some edits if need be.

Things to know:

I may group sections differently than in the Red Cross book, the steps are the same.

Children are considered 12 to 1 years old by the American Red Cross.

If you are a life guard or are working in a job that life saving skills are needed do not leave the victim until someone else that can help arrives. This is called abandonment and you can be held legally responsible.

Initial Assessment

Step 1.

Survey the scene to see if you are in danger of getting hurt yourself. This includes some obvious dangers like fire etc. There are also less obvious dangers like toxic fumes etc.

This is very important because you do not want to hurt yourself and add to the possible death toll. This also is for the safety of the victim because it could be harder for them to receive treatment too.

Step 2.

Check for consciousness. For adults and children you can do this by tapping, shaking, and asking if they are okay. For infants you can check by tickling the feet. If they do not respond they are considered unconscious. If conscious you will need to ask for content to help. But, the government considers consent to be implied when the person is unconscious.

Step 3.

If unconscious immediately call 911 or tell someone to call 911. This is very important if the victim goes into cardiac arrest and needs further treatment.

Step 4.

Check for breathing. To do this tilt the head back and put your ear to the victims mouth. Your face should be pointing down the victims body.

Start Rescue Breathing.

Step 1.

Assemble your pocket mask or breathing barrier and place it over the victims nose and mouth. There should be a marking indicating nose on the mask. Place the nose under this on children and adults. For infants you should turn the mask upside down with the nose part on the chin. This creates a seal so air goes into the lungs.

Step 2.

Do two rescue breaths into the barrier each lasting about 1 second. If too much air is forced into the lungs it will go into the stomach and cause the victim to throw up. This is normal and resume operations. When the victim throws up turn him on his side and let vomit come out and clean the mouth out with your finger to prevent choking later.

Step 3.

If the chest does not clearly rise during the 2 rescue breaths tilt the head back further and do 2 more breaths. If the chest still doesn't rise the victim is choking and unconscious choking steps will need to be followed.

Start Unconscious Choking Steps

Step 1.

After doing the 2 rescue breaths twice do 5 chest compressions. You will want to put your hands on top of each other and place them in the middle on the nipple line. For infants you will want to use two fingers and place them in the same spot. Remember it's a baby so don't press as hard.

Step 2.

Tilt the head back and open the mouth with your thumb, hold the tongue with your thumb too so the victim doesn't also choke on that.

Step 3.

Look in the mouth and if there is an obstruction remove it with your index finger. If it's an infant or child with a small mouth you may need to use a smaller finger.

Finish Steps.

The last of the steps are in a continuous loop until EMP arrives, you get too tired, someone more skilled can take over, the scene becomes dangerous, a pulse stops, the victim is breathing and a few others that will become obvious when they happen.

Step 1.

Now you want to do 2 more rescue breaths. If the chest rises congratulations! You have stopped the choking and will now need to check for a pulse and breathing. If there is no breath do rescue breathing until the victim starts to breath again. https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-do-rescue-breathing-Red-Cross/

If not go on to step 2

Step 2.

After the rescue breaths do 5 chest compressions, check the mouth, and do breaths again.