Virtual Eye
This project is to help blind peoples.We cannot do our daily work without the help of eye.But the blind peoples are doing their daily activities without eye vision.This project helps blind peoples to avoid obstacles when they are walking.The blind people has to wear this helmet to avoid obstacles.This helmet will give beep sound when the obstacle come infront while they are walking.With the beep sound Blind people can understand that there is a obstacle infront of them and they avoid obstacles.
Components Required
Micro Controller
- Arduino Uno
Liquid Crystal Display
- 16 x 2 LCD
- Ultrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04)
- 5V Piezo Buzzer
- SPDT Switch
Power Source
- 9V Battery
- Battery Cap
Material Required
I had used my bike helmet to assemble the components.
Software Required
Arduino IDE
Schematic Diagram
Interfacing LCD
You can find that in the schematic diagram LCD is interfaced using only 3 pins.I had used 3 pin interface board to connect LCD to arduino. Generally we interface LCD using atleast 6 pins.This is an old method.The new method to connect LCD is using 3 pin interface board.If you don't have this interface board,you can make it on your own.Click on below link to know how to create it.
Circuit Operation
Ultrasonic Sensor
It is used for Obstacle distance measurement.
LCD is used to print the Obstacle distance.
It will give Beep sound when the obstacle distance is less than 25 CM(Centimeter).
Detailed Operation
Ultrasonic sensor keeps on measuring the obstacle distance and gives the distance measurement to arduino. Arduino makes buzzer pin to High when the obstacle distance is less than 25 cm,So the buzzer will give beep sound. Arduino makes buzzer pin to Low when the obstacle distance is greater than 25cm,So the buzzer will not give beep sound.This logic is used to detect obstacles.
Program Code
I had attached the program code as Text Document and also as .ino format.The .ino file can be directly open in Arduino IDE Software.