Luminous Thermometer - Vitaminized Garden Light (eNANO De Jardin)
by inopya in Circuits > Arduino
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Luminous Thermometer - Vitaminized Garden Light (eNANO De Jardin)
Vitaminized garden light with arduino NANO and a temperature sensor BMP180.
Our humble garden light will have a secret power: it will be able to indicate the outside temperature by means of a color code and blinking.
Its operation is as follows:
It is kept on for 20 seconds, it is turned off for a short time and starts to show the temperature by flashing colors. The temperature figure is separated into two digits, tens and units. First a few green flashes at 1-second intervals show the tens then with red flashes (if the temperature is positive) or blue flashes (if temperature is negative), the units are displayed. If the temperature is zero degrees (0ºC), a brief flash of the same pink color is displayed If the temperature is a multiple of 10 (i.e. 20ºC, or -10ºC...) as there are no units to display, if the temperatures are below zero, they would be indicated by a short pink blink after the green flashes.
+30 ºC --> 3 green flashes
+19 ºC --> 1 green flash, 9 red flashes
+8 ºC --> 8 red flashes
0 ºC --> 4 fast flashes in pink
-2 ºC --> 2 blue flashes
-13 ºC --> 1 green flash, 3 blue flashes
-20 ºC --> 2 green flashes, 2 fast flashes in pink
Luz de jardin vitaminada con arduino NANO y con un sensor de temepratura BMP180.
Nuestra humilde luz de jardin tendrá un poder secreto: será capaz de indicarnos la temperatura exterior mediante un codigo de colores y parpadeos
Su funcionamiento es el siguiente: Se mantiene encendida durante 20 segundos, se apaga un breve instante y comienza a mostrar la temperatura mediante parpadeos de colores. Se separa la cifra de temperatura en dos digitos, decenas y unidades. Primero unos parpadeos verdes a intervalos de 1 segundo muestran las decenas despues con parpadeos rojos (si la temperatura es positiva) o parpadeos azules (si la temperatura es negativa), se muestran las unidades. Si la temperatura fuese de cero grados (0ºC) se mostraria simplemente un breve parpadeo del mismo color rosa Si la temperatura es un multiplo de 10 (es decir 20ºC, o -10ºC...) al no existir unidades para mostrar, si las temperaturas son bajo cero, se indicarian mostrando un breve parpadeo rosa tras los parpadeos verdes.
1x PNP transistor 2N3906 or equivalent
1x diode 1N4007
1x RGB led common cathode
1x 6.8k resistor for the polarization of the PNP transistor
3x resistors between 150 and 220 for RGB led polarization
1x TP4056, charging module for lithium batteries, which will also serve as battery protection during discharge.
1x solar panel 6v 100mA
1x Arduino NANO
1x BMP180
1x lithium-ion cell 3'7v (you can recycle it from an old laptop battery or from a disused cell phone
1x Container of spreadable cheese or similar (size enough to fit all our components)
1x take away coffee cup. It will help the led light to be well diffused
1x piece of plastic as a mounting base, that is somewhat larger than the container we have chosen as our mounting container .
- several water bottle lid or similar (they will also help us to diffuse the light of the led) - insulating tape (always useful)
- Welder, hot glue gun, ruler, cutter, multimeter (not indispensable but always useful)
and something to drill.
Wiring diagram of the different elements of the circuit
Esquema de conexiones de los distintos elementos del circuito
Drilling Surfaces (Perforar Superficies)
We will punch the three elements, the plastic support that we will use as a base, the lid of the container that will hold arduino and a stopper of a water bottle.
Glue the stopper and the lid of the container to the plastic base each on one side, making the holes match. If you have a drill, then glue the lid of the container, hole the set and then glue the bottle cap to match that hole.
Perforemos los tres elementos, el soporte plastico que usasemos como base, la tapadera del recipiente que albergará a arduino y un tapon de una botella de agua.
Pegar el tapon y la tapa del recipiente a la base de plastico cada uno por una cara, haciendo coincidir los agujeros.
Si dispones de un taladro, pues pegar la tapa del recipiente, agujerear el conjunto y despues pegar el tapon de botella coincidiendo con ese orificio.
Preparar Los Componentes
** Remember to have the electrical schematic at hand **
- Weld the battery cables,
- prepare the led, setting the polarization resistances
- Weld wires to the solar panel and place the diode.
- make the connections of the solar panel, the battery and the arduino power supply to the TP4056
** Tener a mano el esquema electrico **
- Soldar los cables de la bateria,
- preparar el led, intercalando las resistencias de polarizacion
- Soldar cables al panel solar e intercalar el diodo.
- realizar las conexiones del panel solar, la bateria y la alimentacion de arduino al TP4056
Before assembling the set we precede to record the firmware to arduino.
Antes de ensamblar el conjunto precedemos a grabar el firmware en arduino.
Assemble the Set (Montaje Del Conjunto)
We can use several perforated bottle caps to make a small tube to help us diffuse the LED light even more.
Make a small hole in the glass to facilitate the exit of the cables and so that the glass is well stuck on the plastic base. We can use a plug to make the solar panel tilted. Put Arduino, the battery, the charging module and all the cables in the container and press to leave it covered. Our eNANO is ready to decorate our garden and show us the temperature :)
Podemos utilizar varios tapones de botella perforados para hacer un pequeño tubo que nos ayude a difuminar aun mas la luz del led.
Realizar una pequeña endidura en el vaso apra facilizar la salida de los cables y de esa manera que el vaso quede bien pegado sobra la base de plastico.
Podemos utilizar un tapon para hacer que el panel solar quede inclinado.
Meter a Arduino, la bateria, el modulo de carga y todos los cables en el recipiente y presionar para dejar tapado.
Nuestro eNANO esta listo para decorar nuestro jardin y mostrarnos la temperatura :)