by kyle brinkerhoff in Circuits > Arduino
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howdy everyone! this instructable is actually the culmination of many past projects of mine, however they have all been used together to do something really cool! basically its a cannon that you can control over the web through a google site apps script, so without further ado, let us begin BTW Please watch the video, it explains it all :)
The Cannon
in order to get the best result ive designed a custom valve system that is pneumatically actuated the details to the construction of this cannon can be found in this other instructable of mine :https://www.instructables.com/id/LED-throwie-CANNON/
The Control Electronics
ok, so the electronics were recycled from another project of mine, i was building a light sequencer for the holidays to out do the neighbors in Christmas decorations but it worked fine for my purpose of switching a solenoid valve heres a video if you curious to know what this thing is capable of
The Software
the software comes from another one of my previous instructables found here: https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-use-Google-Sites-to-control-a-Arduino/