Web Controlled Rover

by jscottb in Circuits > Robots

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Web Controlled Rover


Building and playing with robots is my main guilty pleasure in life. Others play golf or ski, but I build robots (since I can't play golf or ski :-). I find it relaxing and fun! To make most of my bots, I use chassis kits. Using kits helps me do what I like doing more, the software and electronics and also makes for a better chassis for my all-thumbs self.

In this Instructable, we will look in what it takes to make a simple but robust Wifi/web controlled rover. The chassis used is the Actobotics Gooseneck. I chose it for it's size, expand-ability and cost but you can use any other chassis of your own choosing.

For a project like this, we will need a good solid single board computer and for this bot I chose to use the Raspberry Pi (RPI) a Linux based computer. The RPI (and Linux) gives us lots of coding options and Python will be used for the coding side. For the web interface I use Flask, a lightweight web framework for Python.

To drive the motors, I chose a RoboClaw 2x5a. It allows for simple serial communication for commanding it and works well with the RPI and the motors on the Gooseneck.

Finally, it has a webcam for POV type video feedback for driving it remotely. I will cover each topic in more detail later.

Hardware Needed

  • Actobotics Gooesneck chassis or a suitable replacement of your choice
  • Raspberry Pi of your choice (or clone) - An RPI model B is used on this bot, but any with at least two USB ports will work
  • Standard Servo Plate B x1
  • 90° Single Angle Channel Bracket x1
  • RoboClaw 2x5a motor driver
  • S3003 or similar standard size servo
  • Small breadboard or Mini breadboard
  • Female to Female jumper wires
  • Male to Female jumper wires
  • Web cam (optional) - I use a Logitech C110, and here is a list of supported cams for the RPI
  • 5v-6v power source for servo power
  • 7.2v-11.1v battery for drive motor powering
  • 5v 2600mah (or higher) USB power bank for the RPI
  • USB Wifi adapter

On my bot, I use 4" wheels to make it a little more All-Terrain-Indoor. For this option you will need:

Assembling the Chassis


First assemble the chassis following the instructions included with the chassis or video. After finishing you should have something like the image. NOTE: When assembling the Neck part, just leave the mounting bracket off.

On my bot, I chose to replace the wheels that the chassis came with for 4" heavy duty wheels. This is optional and not needed unless you want to do the same.

Mounting the Electronics


The Gooseneck has a lot of room and options for mounting your electronics. I give you these pictures as a guide line, but you can choose how you would like to lay it all out. You can use stand-offs, double-sided tape, Velcro or servo-tape to mount the board and batteries.

Adding the Webcam


Take the 90 degree bracket, lightweight servo hub and four (4) of the .3125" screws for this step:

  • Take the servo hub and place it on one side of the bracket and secure them together with the .2125" screws like pictured
  • Next mount the servo into the servo bracket
  • Attach the 90 degree bracket with the servo horn to the servos spine and use the horn screw that came with the servo to connect them together
  • Now mount the Servo in bracket onto the top of the goose-neck with the remaining screws
  • Mount camera with zip-ties or double sided tape on to the 90 degree bracket

Use the pictures for guides if needed.

Wiring It All Up


The wiring is fairly strait forward for this robot.

The Motors:

  • Solder leads on both motors if you have not done so already

With the robots front (the end with the goose-neck) facing away from you:

  • Connect the motor wires on the left motor to the channel M1A and M1B
  • Connect the motor wires on the right motor to the channel M2A and M2B

Ground (GND) connections:

  • Connect one ground pin on the RoboClaw to the ground jumper board. The ground pin line on the RoboClaw is closest to the center (See pic)
  • Connect PIN 6 on the RPI to the jumper board. See the RPI header pic for pin assignments.
  • Connect the GND from the servo battery pack to one of the pins on the jumper board.
  • Run a jumper wire from the jumper board to the servos GND wire.

RPI to RoboClaw:

  • Connect the RPI GPIO14 TXD pin to RoboClaw S1 pin


  • Connect the POS wire from the servo battery to the servos POS lead
  • Connect the POS wire from the motor battery to POS (+) of the RoboClaw motor power input terminal. We will leave the GND terminal disconnected for now.

Setting Up the RPI


I assume the user here knows some about Linux and the RPI. I do not cover how to setup or connect to one. If you need help with that then use the pages below.

To get your RPI setup, have a look at the following pages:

For general jump-off pages, The RPI main page and the eLinux pages are great places to start.

See this link for RPI general Wifi setup.

If you plan on using some sort of camera or web cam on the bot, have a look at these pages to get the basic needed files.

Streaming video:

There are a few ways to get video streaming working on a RPI, but the method I prefer is using Motion.

To install it on your RPI run this: sudo apt-get install motion

This instrucatable goes over setting it up for streaming as well.

Configuring the RPI Serial Port

We will need to disable the Linux console mode for using the RX and TX as we want to talk to the RoboClaw motor controller from this port. To do this, you can use this method or this tool. The choice is yours on the method as they both do the same thing in the end.

Installing the Python Modules

You will need python installed on the RPI as well as the python package installer pip.

To install pip do:

  1. sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
  2. sudo easy_install pip


  1. sudo pip install flask
  2. sudo pip install pyserial
  3. sudo pip install RPIO

This will be all the modules needed for the code to run.

Setting Up the RoboClaw

I have the robot code talking to the RoboClaw in Standard Serial Mode at 19200 baud.

To set the RoboClaw up for this do:

  1. Hit the "MODE" button on the RoboClaw
  2. Hit the set button until the LED flashes 5 (five) times between the delays
  3. Hit the "LIPO" button to store
  4. Next hit the "SET" button until the LED flashes 3 (three) times between the delays
  5. Hit the LIPO button to store

That's it for setting up the motor controller. See the pdf linked above for more info if needed.

Installing the Rover Program/files

Download and copy the rover.zip file to your RPI in your pi user directory.

If you are running Linux or a Mac, you can use 'scp' to do it:

scp ~/location/of/the/file/rover.zip pi@your_rpi_ip:/~

For Windows, you can download and use pscp and then do:

pscp /location/of/the/file/rover.zip pi@your_rpi_ip:/~

Once the zipfile is copied over to the RPI, log into it as the pi user.

Now run:

unzip rover.zip

This will unzip the files to a folder named 'rover' and have the following under that folder:

  • restrover.py (The python code for the robot)
  • static (holds the image files for the buttons on the control page)
  • templates (holds the index.htlm file, the control web page)

If you are using a web cam, modify line near the bottom of the index.html file in the template folder. Change the URL in the IFRAME line to match the src URL for your video stream.


Starting the Bot Up


Connect the USB power to the RPI.

To start the bot code up, log in as the pi user and run:

  • cd rover
  • sudo python restrover.py

If all was OK, you should see a screen similar to the image in this step

If you see any errors or issues, you will have to fix them before going forward.

Now, connect the the GND (-) wire to the NEG (-) terminal on the RoboClaw motor power input.

Accessing the Bot Control Page

Screenshot - 06292015 - 06:22:42 PM.png
Screenshot - 06302015 - 01:08:00 AM.png

After the robot's python script is running, power up the RoboClaw and then navigate to your RPI's ip like:


You should see the Web control page pop up like in the images. If not, check your RPI output terminal and look for any errors and correct them.

Once on the page, you are ready to control the bot.

The robot will start in the "Med run" setting and at the Medium speed.

The bot can be controlled via the buttons on the page or by keys on the keyboard.

The keys are:

  • w - forward
  • z - reverse/backward
  • a - long left turn
  • s - long right turn
  • q - short left turn
  • e - short right turn
  • 1 - pan camera left
  • 2 - pan camera right
  • 3 - pan full left
  • 4 - pan full right
  • / - home/center camera
  • h - halt/stop robot

There is an half second delay buffer between commands sent. I did this to eliminate unwanted repeated commands. You can of course remove this from the code if you like (in index.html)

The rest of the controls and controlling it should be self explanatory.

The Python/Flask Code

This bot uses Python and the Flask web framework. You can learn more about Flask here if you are interested.

The big difference from a Flask app and normal Python script is @app.route class/method used to do the URI handling. Other than that it's pretty much normal Python for the most part.

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Wifi/Web driven Rover
# Written by Scott Beasley - 2015
# Uses RPIO, pyserial and Flask

import time
import serial
from RPIO import PWM
from flask import Flask, render_template, request

app = Flask (__name__, static_url_path = '')

# Connect to the comm port to talk to the Roboclaw motor controller
   # Change the baud rate here if different than 19200
   roboclaw = serial.Serial ('/dev/ttyAMA0', 19200)
except IOError:
   print ("Comm port not found")
   sys.exit (0)

# Speed and drive control variables
last_direction = -1
speed_offset = 84
turn_tm_offset = 0.166
run_time = 0.750

# Servo neutral position (home)
servo_pos = 1250
servo = PWM.Servo ( )
servo.set_servo (18, servo_pos)

# A little dwell for settling down time
time.sleep (3)

# URI handlers - all the bot page actions are done here

# Send out the bots control page (home page)
@app.route ("/")
def index ( ):
   return render_template ('index.html', name = None)

@app.route ("/forward")
def forward ( ):
   global last_direction, run_time

   print "Forward"
   go_forward ( )
   last_direction = 0

   # sleep 100ms + run_time
   time.sleep (0.100 + run_time)

   # If not continuous, then halt after delay
   if run_time > 0:
      last_direction = -1
      halt ( )

   return "ok"

@app.route ("/backward")
def backward ( ):
   global last_direction, run_time

   print "Backward"
   go_backward ( )
   last_direction = 1

   # sleep 100ms + run_time
   time.sleep (0.100 + run_time)

   # If not continuous, then halt after delay
   if run_time > 0:
      last_direction = -1
      halt ( )

   return "ok"

@app.route ("/left")
def left ( ):
   global last_direction, turn_tm_offset

   print "Left"
   go_left ( )
   last_direction = -1

   # sleep @1/2 second
   time.sleep (0.500 - turn_tm_offset)

   # stop
   halt ( )
   time.sleep (0.100)
   return "ok"

@app.route ("/right")
def right ( ):
   global last_direction, turn_tm_offset

   print "Right"
   go_right ( )

   # sleep @1/2 second
   time.sleep (0.500 - turn_tm_offset)
   last_direction = -1

   # stop
   halt ( )
   time.sleep (0.100)
   return "ok"

@app.route ("/ltforward")
def ltforward ( ):
   global last_direction, turn_tm_offset

   print "Left forward turn"
   go_left ( )

   # sleep @1/8 second
   time.sleep (0.250 - (turn_tm_offset / 2))
   last_direction = -1

   # stop
   halt ( )
   time.sleep (0.100)
   return "ok"

@app.route ("/rtforward")
def rtforward ( ):
   global last_direction, turn_tm_offset

   print "Right forward turn"
   go_right ( )

   # sleep @1/8 second
   time.sleep (0.250 - (turn_tm_offset / 2))
   last_direction = -1

   # stop
   halt ( )
   time.sleep (0.100)
   return "ok"

@app.route ("/stop")
def stop ( ):
   global last_direction

   print "Stop"
   halt ( )
   last_direction = -1

   # sleep 100ms
   time.sleep (0.100)
   return "ok"

@app.route ("/panlt")
def panlf ( ):
   global servo_pos

   print "Panlt"
   servo_pos -= 100
   if servo_pos < 500:
      servo_pos = 500

   servo.set_servo (18, servo_pos)

   # sleep 150ms
   time.sleep (0.150)
   return "ok"

@app.route ("/panrt")
def panrt ( ):
   global servo_pos

   print "Panrt"
   servo_pos += 100
   if servo_pos > 2500:
      servo_pos = 2500

   servo.set_servo (18, servo_pos)

   # sleep 150ms
   time.sleep (0.150)
   return "ok"

@app.route ("/home")
def home ( ):
   global servo_pos

   print "Home"
   servo_pos = 1250

   servo.set_servo (18, servo_pos)

   # sleep 150ms
   time.sleep (0.150)
   return "ok"

@app.route ("/panfull_lt")
def panfull_lt ( ):
   global servo_pos

   print "Pan full left"
   servo_pos = 500

   servo.set_servo (18, servo_pos)

   # sleep 150ms
   time.sleep (0.150)
   return "ok"

@app.route ("/panfull_rt")
def panfull_rt ( ):
   global servo_pos

   print "Pan full right"
   servo_pos = 2500

   servo.set_servo (18, servo_pos)

   # sleep 150ms
   time.sleep (0.150)
   return "ok"

@app.route ("/speed_low")
def speed_low ( ):
   global speed_offset, last_direction, turn_tm_offset

   speed_offset = 42
   turn_tm_offset = 0.001

   # Update current direction to get new speed
   if last_direction == 0:
       go_forward ( )
   if last_direction == 1:
       go_backward ( )

   # sleep 150ms
   time.sleep (0.150)
   return "ok"

@app.route ("/speed_mid")
def speed_mid ( ):
   global speed_offset, last_direction, turn_tm_offset

   speed_offset = 84
   turn_tm_offset = 0.166

   # Update current direction to get new speed
   if last_direction == 0:
       go_forward ( )
   if last_direction == 1:
       go_backward ( )

   # sleep 150ms
   time.sleep (0.150)
   return "ok"

@app.route ("/speed_hi")
def speed_hi ( ):
   global speed_offset, last_direction, turn_tm_offset

   speed_offset = 126
   turn_tm_offset = 0.332

   # Update current direction to get new speed
   if last_direction == 0:
       go_forward ( )
   if last_direction == 1:
       go_backward ( )

   # sleep 150ms
   time.sleep (0.150)
   return "ok"

@app.route ("/continuous")
def continuous ( ):
   global run_time

   print "Continuous run"
   run_time = 0

   # sleep 100ms
   time.sleep (0.100)
   return "ok"

@app.route ("/mid_run")
def mid_run ( ):
   global run_time

   print "Mid run"
   run_time = 0.750
   halt ( )

   # sleep 100ms
   time.sleep (0.100)
   return "ok"

@app.route ("/short_time")
def short_time ( ):
   global run_time

   print "Short run"
   run_time = 0.300
   halt ( )

   # sleep 100ms
   time.sleep (0.100)
   return "ok"

# Motor drive functions
def go_forward ( ):
    global speed_offset

    if speed_offset != 42:
        roboclaw.write (chr (1 + speed_offset))
        roboclaw.write (chr (128 + speed_offset))
        roboclaw.write (chr (127 - speed_offset))
        roboclaw.write (chr (255 - speed_offset))

def go_backward ( ):
    global speed_offset

    if speed_offset != 42:
        roboclaw.write (chr (127 - speed_offset))
        roboclaw.write (chr (255 - speed_offset))
        roboclaw.write (chr (1 + speed_offset))
        roboclaw.write (chr (128 + speed_offset))

def go_left ( ):
    global speed_offset

    if speed_offset != 42:
        roboclaw.write (chr (127 - speed_offset))
        roboclaw.write (chr (128 + speed_offset))
        roboclaw.write (chr (1 + speed_offset))
        roboclaw.write (chr (255 - speed_offset))

def go_right ( ):
    global speed_offset

    if speed_offset != 42:
        roboclaw.write (chr (1 + speed_offset))
        roboclaw.write (chr (255 - speed_offset))
        roboclaw.write (chr (127 - speed_offset))
        roboclaw.write (chr (128 + speed_offset))

def halt ( ):
    roboclaw.write (chr (0))

if __name__ == "__main__" :
   app.run (host = '', port = 80, debug = True)

If you do not want or need debug information from Flask, set debug to 'false' on the app.run line.

if __name__ == "__main__" :

app.run (host = '', port = 80, debug = False)

You can also change the port that the Flask http server listens on here as well.


Using Other Hardware

If you want to use other hardware, like another type of SBC (Single Board Computer) you should have little issues getting Python and Flask running on other boards like the Beagle Bone, PCDuino etc... You will have to change the code to match the GPIO layout and use the servo driving capabilities of the new board.

To use another type motor driver, you just need to modify the go_forward, go_backward, go_left, go_right and halt functions to do what ever the replacement motor driver needs to make the motor do that particular function.