Week 3: Lamp Shade
Used 'surface from points' and 'revolution of a profile curve' to design a lamp shade in Grasshopper.
Test Part
Measured the diameter of the existing light fixture base and created a test part for a lamp shade.
Surface From Points
Modified 'lamp.gh' from the class to represent a surface from points.
Design Criteria:
1) Make a surface which covers the light bulb.
2) Needs to have holes on top and the bottom.
I initially aimed for the pulsing sphere on the website below.
While I was playing with different parameters, I found the variation of the pulsing shape most interesting. (It looks like a tulip.)
Had to pull the sphere apart to create a hole on top.
Boolean Operation
Performed a Boolean operation between the shade and the test part.
It took a while to figure out which forms are possible to merge together.
Learned that Boolean Union doesn't work for some surfaces if:
1. There are naked edges.
2. Forms don't have intersections.
The estimated time for the updated model is approximately 1day 4 hours.