Why the Long Face Paperbot
Thank you for choosing to build my paperbot. You will need Elmer's Liquid Glue and scissors.
Cut All Parts
- Use the scissors to cut out the body, head, arms, and legs.
- Clear workspace of all leftover scrap paper.
Fold the Body Into a Box
- Fold inward along all the black lines. The shape will start to form into a box. The images are what the body looks like before we place any glue on the tabs.
- Place glue on the glue tabs and attach the corresponding part.
Assemble the Head.
- Fold inward on all the black lines. A rectangular box will start to be formed.
- Place glue on the long glue tab of the head.
Attach the Head to the Body
- At the bottom of the head are two glue tabs. Fold them to overlap each other and glue together.
- Once they are glued together, place glue on the folded tab and attach to the body.
Assemble the Feet.
- Fold inward along the black lines.
- Place glue on the glue tab that holds the box together.
- Overlap the remaining two glue tabs and glue together.
Attach Legs to the Body
- Place glue on each F located on the bottom of the body.
- Gently press legs onto the body.
- Place them as pictured above
Assemble and Glue the Arms
- Fold over the glue tab on the arms.
- Place glue on each A on the sides of the box.
Congratulations! Your Paperbot, Why the Long Face, is now complete.