Wood Glue Saver
I found a way to save the cost on my wood glue. I figured I would try out mixing my Elmer's wood glue with a cheaper school glue. I figured spending $.50 on a 4 oz. bottle of the school glue wasn't going to kill me. I went and bought a bottle and mixed i would say less then an ounce of the wood glue with the cheap school glue.
1. I prepared 2 peaces of scrap wood so that both were smooth .
2. I spread a thin layer of the glue mix on both peaces of wood.
3. I clamped the 2 wood peaces together and let it dry for a few hours.
I went back and took the clamps off and tried to break the wood peaces apart but they wouldn't budge. I even took a chisel and tried to pry the wood apart but the glue held strong.
Always keep an open mind and try new things. And you don't have to spend a great amount to discover a great thing.