Wood Turning Tool
Turn a wood turning tool
Prepare Wood for Handle
Drill a 1/2" hole half way down the vertical axis of the handle to accommodate the key stock.
Turn the Wood
Turn the wood into the desired shape for the handle.
Drill Pipe Cap
Obtain 1" copper pipe cap and drill a hole into the center.
Grind Copper Cap
Grind out the center of the copper cap until a smooth hole accommodates the key stock.
Obtain 3/8in Key Stock
Cut the key stock to the desired length.
Drill Pilot Hole
Drill a pilot hole in the end of the key stock.
Tap the Hole
Tap the pilot hole with an 8NC32 bit.
Clear the Tap
Clear the tap of debris.
Grind Key Stock
Grind the tap hole side of the key stock to accommodate the turning blade.
Sand the Handle
Sand the handle while still on the lathe.
Finish Sanding
Remove the handle from the lathe and finish sanding the handle ends.
Polyurethane the Handle
Use 3-4 coats of polyurethane. Sand between coats.
Expoxy Key Stock to Handle
Use epoxy to fasten the key stock to the inside of the handle. Also epoxy the end cap to the handle.
Hot Glue Exposed Wood
Use a hot glue gun with coloured glue to cover the exposed wood between the cap and the end of the handle.
Attach Blade
Screw the blade to the key stock.