Wooden Remote Control Quadrocopter Build

by Greasetattoo in Workshop > Woodworking

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Wooden Remote Control Quadrocopter Build

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Hello Everyone,

First, I would like to thank you for viewing my instructable.
And, if you enjoyed it, please give me a vote!

Now onto the instructable.

I've been into remote controlled toys since I was a kid.
(about 40+ years ago, summer of 1969?)

I had purchased a Roswell Quadrocopter (see blueprints on next step) back in 1999.
(still a kid?)
This is the first Quadrocopter I have purchased.
Never built it, though...(guess I never had the time)

Now, I dug the old flier out of storage and thought I would like to build a wooden one.
As, the original Roswell Quadrocopter was made from paperbacked foam.
Seeing now, the electronics and motors are much better then 11 years ago.

I will not be going into heavy detail on the build of this Quadrocopter.
As, that could make it a very long instructable.

Also, you may notice I don't have pictures of every step.
I didn't plan on this being a instructable, so I took what pictures I had
and did the best I could of describing what I did.

I will give you brief descriptions and hopefully this info will be useful for someone else.

If you are interested in some history on the Quadrocopter.
History of the Quadrocopter
Quadrotor on Wiki

If you like my instructable, please take a second and vote for me!

My quadrocopter took 2nd place at the 2010 Minnesota State Fair.

Stuff I Used to Build the Quad.

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Step 1

I did all my designing with my CNC (Computerized Numerical Control) software.

I used a program called Aspire made by Vectric software.
Vectric - CNC software

I scanned in each part from my old Roswell Flier kit.
Then I traced them, modified each part  and turned them
into vectors.

I used a Sherline Mini mill to CNC the parts.
Sherline Products

 I did use the Mikrokopter electronics.
The copter is capable of hover hold, GPS, and flying FPV (first person view)
The electronics can be purchase here:
Mikrokopter Products

Motor used are:
Brushless Turnigy 2217 20turn 860kv 22A Outrunners

Another good website for reference would be
RC Groups Forum
The blog of my wooden quadro-copter on Rcgroups.com.

The copter is made from Ash, Oak, Walnut and Paduak.

The battery used is a 11.1 volt lithium.
I am using a Poweredge 2200 mah 11.1 volt lithium.

Most important:  TIME, PATIENCE and lots of reading!

Now onto the next step...

Making the Parts

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Step 2

The first parts to make were the frame of the Quadroflyer.

The frame consisted of the top plate, bottom plate, arms and motor mounts.

I did do a inlay of a Alien head on the bottom plate with help of my Aspire software.

The arms of the frame are made from ash.
Top plate is oak.
Bottom plate is oak with ash inlay. (slots are for velco strips used for battery mount)
Motor mounts are oak.

I did varnish all the wooden parts before I put together.

One other precaution: Make sure and line up the grain of the wood right.
For instance: On the arms you would want the grain to run vertical.
As, I had my copter fall on the floor and broke a arm.
I had to reinforce with plywood. (see finished copter photos)
If I made another arm, I would use hobby plywood.
Not as pretty, but much stronger!

EPS(Encapsulated PostScript) FILES BELOW,
are included to build the frame below.
All that is needed are some wooden dowels.
You may have to edit the files to meet your needs for motors, electronics, etc.
Also, the thickness of the wood used, for slots!

This will be a good start, though...
All other parts, your on your own!
Good Luck, and post pictures!!

Now onto step 3

Wooden Motor Covers

Step 3

I decided that the motors needed something.
So, I made some oak sleeves for the motors.

I designed them in my CNC software and cut them out with my
Sherline mini mill.

The final motor covers have a inlay of padauk wood onto the walnut wood.
Padauk it the red wood.

If you notice in the final pictures.
The front motor has a yellow wood.
It is made from padauk and yellowheart.

Now onto the next step...

Making the Dome

Step 4

I was going to use a Plastic dome from a Icee cup.
But, I thought it would not go very well with the wooden quad.

So, I decided to try to make a wooden one.
Again, I used my CNC software to design the dome.

I cut the dome from different types of wood.
It was oak, ash, and padauk.

It was all done in slices.
As shown in the pictures.

Now, onto the inlay on the dome.

Doing the Inlay on the Dome.

Step 5

The inlay of the alien head was cut into the dome first.
I used my CNC machine.

Then after the alien head was cut I just filled it with some 5 minute epoxy.
I had to tape off the other parts of the dome as I did not want the epoxy
to leak through.
I colored the epoxy with some acrylic paint.

After it dried for 24 hours, I sanded it smooth and cut the holes around the outer

Then a couple of coats of lacquer and buffed with some floor wax.
I think it turned out rather well!

Now onto the next step...

Making the Wire Distribution Center, Aka As the BUSBAR.

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Step 6

I had to figure a way to distribute all the wires for the quad.

So this is what I came up with.

I made the first one out of a delrin plastic.
More of a prototype.

So, I decided to make a wooden one.
I thought it went better with the wooden quad.

I made a smaller one for motor wires.

The busbar is made from walnut, oak and ash.

Pictures are worth a 1000 words!

Now onto the next step...

Putting It Altogether

Step 7

Now, I had to wire it all up.
I added the electronics, motors and wires.

That is where the BUSBAR came in handy.
Made the wires much neater.

I did have to add some reinforcements to the arms and landing gear.
I used plywood on the arms and carbon fiber on the legs.

I covered the landing gear with foam piping from you local home store.
You can also use the colored swimming pool noodles.

Now onto the last step...

Finished Quad Copter

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Step 8

Here is the finished quad copter.

I put the foam pool noodles on for the first few flights.
As, I did not want to damage the copter.
(fingers crossed)

The ones on the landing gear, will stay for cushion on landings.

I hope you enjoyed my instructable!
If you have any questions, please ask!
Oh, don't forget to watch my video!

I would like to give a big THANK YOU to:
Mike D. from Blaine, Minnesota
Designer of the original 1999 Roswell Flier.

The Video of the Quadrocopter Flying

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Video of the quad flying

Hey everyone,

Just shot this video this morning.
Nothing fantastic!

Still have some fine tuning to do.
But, it flies!


Oh, and don't forget to vote for me!

Next Instructable...

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Coming Soon...

Here is my next instructable.
Coming soon!

Wooden Transmitter Holder