You As a Jojo's Character
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, or Jojo's for short is a manga series written and illustrated by Hiroshiko Araki. The very popular anime and manga is most recognizable by its unique art style. I’m this instructable I am going to teach you to draw a yourself as a jojos character with a unique “stand”. In jojo’s stands are a manifestation of a persons soul and fighting ability
Supplies: I used a mechanical pencil, an inking pen, a 24 pack of crayola crayons, printer paper, and a light-box.
Step 1: Finding a Pose
A long with Araki's unique art style, the flamboyance of the characters in their exaggerated poses gives the franchise much of its charm.
I had someone take pictures of me in different exaggerated poses so I could see what I like.
I eventually settled on this one.
Step 2: Starting the Drawing
When I started the drawing I drew two short dashes on my paper. One in around the middle of the paper, and one a good bit above it.
After that I began to roughly sketch the shape of my head.
Step 3: the Face
I started with the cross method, and take note that the vertical line is slanted because of the way my head is turned.
I erased the top of my head because I realized I would need more space to fit my hair.
After this I refined my jaw and facial structure.
From there I erased the horizontal line and added eyebrows, make sure you are looking closely at the way your head is turned when doing this part.
After the eyebrows I added dashes to mark where my lips and nose would lay.
Step 4: Facial Features
I used the dash to indicate where my top and bottom lip would meet, and drew a rough shape of my lips around it.
I also began to sketch my nose.
I gradually added more detail to my nose and was eventually happy with the shape.
Step 4.5: Facial Features Cont.
I added the eyes after looking at a reference image. It's important to really get the bone structure right to you don't have to compensate with your facial features.
I began to work on my hair, make sure to accurately capture the hairline, its one of the most recognizable features.
Step: 5 Hair
I began to sketch my hair but after looking at my photo once again I erased it, and started over.
I looked closely at my photo and realized it was the wrong shape.
after erasing and re-drawing it I was content with it.
Step 6: Arm and Shirt
I returned to the arm and shirt to get some of the most critical folds in.
I eventually got carried away trying to do all of the folds and it turned into a mess, I decided to just step away from it and not focus on all of them.
Step 8: Picking Your Stand.
The stand is the physical manifestation of the user's soul and fighting spirit.
Throughout Jojo's there are countless stand users all with their own unique stands.
I originally came into this wanting my stand to look like one of the more robotic ones in the series.
Step 9: Beginning the Stand
After looking at my sketch for a little bit and visualizing the finished product, I realized that I wanted the stand to be on the right rather than the left.
From there I began sketching a robot ninja of sorts.
Step 9.5: the Stands Outfit.
I wanted my stand to have on a cloak sort of jacket, hair similar to what mine looked like when I was younger.
so I roughly sketched the head and hair, I didn't use the cross method because I didn't need it because of the lack of facial features.
I polished up my stand's right arm
Step 10: Stand Outfit Cont.
After becoming content with the stand's overall shape I wanted to incorporate a reference of another anime franchise that I enjoyed into the drawing.
I decided to go with Naruto because it was the first anime franchise that I ever watched and read.
Step 11: Finishing the Sketch
I made the stand's jacket reminiscent of the jacket that the character "Naruto" wore in the original 2002 series.
Step 12: Lining Up the Sketch
I placed a blank page on top of the finished sketch, and put paperclips on the corners.
I placed it on my light box and, traced over the sketch with a fine liner.
If you don't have a light box, you can gently erase the sketch an trace and then fully erase afterwards.
Step 13: Coloring
I felt as though my stand was lacking in detail so lining stages I added some creases and then doubled over them with black marker.
When coloring I would pick a 2 shades of each color so that I could emphasize shadows. Notice the regular orange and blood orange working together.
Step 15: Finishing Touches
I wanted to experiment with the color of the hair so I did a black primary and green accent.
I also spent a few minutes wondering on what color the visor and skin should be, I meant to make the skin lavender and the visor pink but I'm happy with the way it turned out.
Thank you and I hope you enjoyed.