Z80-mbc2 Z80 Code Examples
I have published some examples for the z80-mbc2. The main reason is they can be used to test the various LED's and ports on the z80-mbc2.
So, if like me, you have just built one of these and want to be able to test the ports and LED's etc. Try these:
examples from https://github.com/coopzone-dc/z80mbc2-examples
Compiling the Programs
You need to obtain a copy of z80asm.com (from many cp/m download sites)
Then use cpmtools to copy the .z80 source files to one of your virtual disks
Also copy the z80asm.com file to the same drive.
Then boot your z80-mbc2, switch to the disk you copied the files to snd compile the programs:
- f:
- z80asm led
This will result in a led.com program file, repeat for the others and your done.