Zombie Emergency Defend Box
This was made for a friend. His Birthday happens to be on Halloween.
Materials Used
The wood was bought in a hardware store. Those boards were ment to be used for shelfes.
3 or 4 times lacquered with black wood stain to get a nice satin finish.
A piece of plywood, some wadding to get a fluffy look and red suede put on it with a stapler.
It's just two big Screws, painted black. The Airsoftgun doesn't weight much.
To hold the front acrylic sheet we've used some nice looking nails.
The box was taken from tablets. The print was made on paper and finished with satin paint. The ammunition was made from polished copperpipes. Some red sticker (+satin paint) made them look a bit more realistic. We've pushed some rubber into it and painted it black.
A thin piece of Acryl and a drilled hole.
Made with a plotter and white stickerfoil (Avery Fascal 800 white).
The Box and the Airgun
To fix the ammonution and the ammo-box we've nailed the box and glued the ammo.
The gun is stupid. We'll ... it is a shutgun with a scope.
Bought online. Those airguns are quite cheap.
Get some white protective suits, big welding gloves, safety goggles and airmasks.
At least, try to look nasty and have fun :)
Liked it? Please vote for me in the Halloween-Contest.