Airsoft Trap 223 Lol
the random titles are so i can find my instructables later on
get all these things a mousetrap, tape, rubberband, a stick that's split in half, and a cap to a pill bottle
take the stick, rubber band, cap
and put them together like this
now take the part we built earlier and add it to the mouse trap like this and your done just fill with bbs oh and rig the trap part so the part the step on is larger like this and your done :) NOTE: there is a tiny problem you have to lift the black part (spray painted cardboard) a little bit so yea also its extremely sensitive i went to my kitchen to get a drink the tiny carpet wave my foot made set it of but very effective i learned the hard way also the cone thing is the grenade i made earlier
add tape to back so it doesn't close all the way