Cherry Pitter
cherry pitter from sprinkler & sink parts. I found a post by ITChe for a cherry pitter..thanks.. looked though my boxes of parts and this is what i came up with..
Parts List and Tools
orbit 2"sprinkler head (complete).
spray tip, from sprinkler.
sink drain plumbing parts.
supply line nut.
3/4 pvc pipe.
hack saw/dremel.
razor knife.
drill and bit.
screw drivers.
orbit 2"sprinkler head (complete).
spray tip, from sprinkler.
sink drain plumbing parts.
supply line nut.
3/4 pvc pipe.
hack saw/dremel.
razor knife.
drill and bit.
screw drivers.
Plunger Assembly
open head.. reinsert spring below riser tube.. drill out one spray tip to same size as drain stopper rod.. screw into bottom of head.. this acts as a guide for the rod.. put rod down the riser and drilled part.. mark and cut rod, shape the point.. reinstall other spray tip to contain rod.. in plunger assembly..
Modify Sink Parts
file supply nut to fit inside drain pipe.. cut drain pipe opening. insert filed nut and pvc spacer.. screw together..
Put It Together..
press sprinkler head into plumbing.. the metal ring grabs the head quite well.. some small bends on the inside of the metal ring will offer more grip force.. place a bowl under it to catch pits.. easy to wash and works like a charm..